View Post to Promote on Indivine has given way to real and authentic promotes
With this gesture from the Indiblogger admins... the Indivine Post Promotion will truly be a ranking for the posts on it, henceforth...!!!
What say?
Charan, I have posted on this issue before. I think it is a case of The Emperor's New Clothes.
How does it really make a difference? Anyone voting for posts simply to get a reciprocal vote, and not because they enjoy the post, can continue as before. The only obstacle is having to click on the post for a few seconds first. So what's really new?
True, I wouldn't of course say that this an entirely worthwhile....however a little better than what was there previously cos now that an author would get a genuine hit, for the post to get voted!!!
Something better to the author, than nothing... :)
You are right its not the proper solution.
But you can see now on Indivine less no of posts are getting promoted.
I know there are certain bloggers who promote every post they are the ones who don't promote the post without going through them and liking them.
They must be cautioned by Indiblogger team that will help i guess.
I too agree. Some can just open the post to promote as a favour TOWARDS FRIEND/RELATIVE but may not read the post at all. In my opinion the genuine promotion would be only when the post is read asd based on liking or dislike, post has to be promoted or not. But this may not find favour with some.
There has been a drastic fall in votes, and this is where I think the problem lies. In the past, bloggers getting votes from "spammers" would climb up the charts and increase the chances of being found by those genuinely interested in their posts. Under the new system, some users not receiving any votes may feel disillusioned and discouraged from submitting any further posts on Indivine. What this could lead to is Indivine being dominated by a small clique of members all just voting for each other to ensure maximum exposure for themselves.
I am not defending the old system, I just think that Indivine as a platform to showcase the best Indian bloggers is fundamentally flawed. Through this site, I have become fans of some very talented writers. Though, very rarely do they achieve a high ranking on Indivine.
I many a time see an Indivine post of mine being promoted but no feed to support the fact of someone having viewed the post for them to promote....howz that???
The reason I love indiblogger is because they care what ever we speak here.
That needs appreciation.
@Addy Tag Renie here