Comments not getting posted on my post

14 years ago

There is some problem with  my latest post 'A Police Story' on my blog.

' COMMENTS' button is not functioning so nobody would be able to post their comments. If I delete the post and repost it on my blog, will it be OK?

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
Sanjay Vedula
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

This is quite strange. I have been at your blog. The link to comments on the latest post isn't proper. If you hover on any other comments link, the link is - blog_url/post_name/#comments and however for the first post "A Police Story", it is - blog_url/#comments.

Also, when I hit the title of the post, it has the link to the blog and not the blog post. 

If you haven't changed the code in the theme file, definitely I suspect the theme is a little messy.

I see there are 2 ways out:

1. Find some one who can get the code right if you are very particular about the theme 

2. Else, have a better theme there. 

These are my opinions. 

But it would be great if you can take the help of our #indiexperts here on the forum. I am sure they have better solutions.


Happy #indiblogging

14 years ago

Sanjay, actually this post was in 'Saved' mode for sometime before I posted it on my blog. All other posts were directly posted. This may be the reason, I don't know.

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Saving a post would not affect the comments section. It is definitely something else.

Will surely get back here, if I find a solution.



14 years ago

I shall eagerly look forward for a solution.

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

sure thing :)

Abhishek Bhardwaj
Abhishek Bhardwaj
from Meerut
14 years ago

I also just visited your blog and was trying to post a comment but could not do it.

There are other comment system like Disqus and Intensedebate that you could install for your blog.

They would also be user friendlier.

You can get them from here and but do check if you can get your old comments with them.

I tried Disqus and have my old comments also.

14 years ago

Thanks for suggestion. I have signed up with but the comments button are same non functional.

Abhishek Bhardwaj
from Meerut
14 years ago

After Signing up with Disqus you need to install it from their website.

For blogger blogs instructions have been given there.

Try it out , you can always ask if any problems come, but do check whether you can retrieve old comments too with it. 

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Your legacy Comments should work first. Adding Disqus will solve your prob.

However, get on to the root.

Since this is a One Off issue that you have faced, I suggest you to delete this post and redo it again.

While re-doing, you save the post and then publish just to confirm your doubt if this is the culprit. It is possible that it may be, so you never know.

If this repeats, you can raise a question with and ask them to look into the issue.


14 years ago

I just tried to edit my post by inserting in the last that comments be sent to me by email and reposted. To my surprise, my problem got solved, Wow! 

Thank you all for interest shown in helping me out.

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