Ragging: Your views

Anshul Tewari
Anshul Tewari
from Noida
15 years ago

Hi, I wanted to know your views on ragging, specially after the recent Aman Kachroo case. Read more here: http://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2009/03/ragging-brutal-punishment-for-admission.html

Replies 1 to 7 of 7 Descending
Karthik DR
Karthik DR
from New Delhi
15 years ago

Ragging is good or bad, depends on its limits. When I went to college the first week, I was ragged, but nothing serious. I just had to break a couple of bricks and paid one of my senior's lunch. That wasn't bad at all. But ragging that ends up in some one getting injured... those people are out of their minds.

We have rules and regulations to prevent them, but It will keep happening until one generation thinks they need not rag their juniors just because they were ragged before. Now thats a dream.

I think the supreme court's decision of equating ragging with rape is a right one.

Ragging is an insult to human dignity.

I think raggings should get exemplary punishment. If a few raggers are publically hanged, it would put a stop to this nonsense.

Rahul Anand
Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

ragging in our colege is much limited with political interference. Anyhow there is mild ragging going on.

ragging can be reaal friendly when it's done in the right way. There were groups of seniors who made us sing and all in first year. But thir approach was very friendly and we never even bothered to run away seeing them.

Inorder to prevent harmful ragging there should be open commities and squads in every college.

Hanging?..ending their lives at once? Can we go for cut-a-hand thingy?Laughing

Ok, et, I will settle for a hand...Laughing

Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

All cool! :)

Anshul Tewari
Anshul Tewari
from Noida
15 years ago

hey guys,


thanks alot for your views. Your views, after editing Tongue out will be published on http://www.youthkiawaaz.com

do give it a look.

from pune
15 years ago

hi all,

Ragging as correctly said depends upon the limit.Anything beyond a limited is gross .its fun when ragging is healthy,you come up with new talents hidden among the juniors who are shy to open up at the first moment.But its a process to make juniors and seniors mingle .But these days trend is to show your bosy kinda attiude by  physically harming the juniors who are already under an imaginary trauma of the so called "Ragging".And i do agree that those found guilty should be given some harsh punishment which remains with them Sealed throught their life.



from Hyderabad / Pilani
15 years ago

I really think that a clear distinction needs to be made between ragging and bullying.. Many people confuse one for the other, and because of this ambiguity, people can easily get sidetracked  and lose the real picture when condemming / supporting ragging..

People who support ragging by saying that it leads to good interaction between students and juniors don't realise that many times juniors are bullied (and not ragged) into doing humiliating things like stripping, licking of shoes etc...

I posted about this topic on my blog last month.. Its on indivine too.. Malaise of ragging

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