Is it good to use domain name with blogspot hosting platform

from india
15 years ago

once our blog has regular platform we start to think of getting domain name , blogger allowes us to use our personal domain name with blogspot hosting as its free , it looks good.

so quesiton is if blog is popular and suddenly you change to domain name using blogspot as its free

how it will affect the blog popularity,traffic  or is it one has to start from scratch again ,

eg. if blog name is   xyz.blogspot .com now  the xyz has purchased domain name what he should do ?  


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Can you guys tell me If I register my own domain then what are the steps I need to follow to integrate this with my current blog?

I mean where I need to do the changes to activate my own domain with my existing blog.


Bishwajeet Mahato
from Jamshedpur
15 years ago

If you have a blogger blog then you can easily shift using the custom domain option and then you may also choose to shift to wordpress

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

You can setup it from the settings.

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

SM, you really need to update your writing skills. Dont be offended, but you just can be a bit more careful. Your topics always have had been attractive, so no doubt that you can be a better blogger.

And yes, do not convert your blog into a website. Try to keep it as a blog only and just purchase the domain and mix it with Blogger.

from india
15 years ago

yes hemal ty  i am trying to improve english writing skills with no spelling mistakes .

update means you are saying grammer or right words to describe the matter or facts.

i am already trying to improve grammer   hemal please update me on what you want to say update writing skills  

waiting for you answer be free and say it that why we are friends




from india
15 years ago

so why we are friends because  friend in need is indeed.

"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."


from kolkata
15 years ago

when you get a new domain don't forget to use .htaccess redirect so that you won't loose your visitors and your existing ranking in google. All the Best Smile

from india
15 years ago

ty leon

if you got link or website which will explain    .htaccess redirect  ple let me know.

how .htaccess be implementated ?

Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Leon, .htaccess is good for those who host their own blogs. Why SM has posted this topic is for domain and Blogspot combination.

Also, .htaccess does not help when you do not have the blog as the landing page.

from india
15 years ago

ty anwin and leon and hemal.

"Thats what a friend is for, when your lost in darkness and searching for the light, to help you through those lonely nights, when everything around you fails just hold out your hand, and i'll come running, thats what a friend is for."

Do what you will, always walk where you like, your steps, do as you please I'll back you up."


Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

"That's what a friend is for, when you are lost in darkness and searching for the light, to help you through those lonely nights, when everything around you fails, just hold out your hand, and i'll come running, that's what a friend is for."

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hey SM, what I ment was this.

What you wrote: "waiting for you answer be free and say it that why we are friends"

And how would I write this: "waiting for your answer, be free and say as you feel since we are friends" or "waiting for your answer, be free and say it as you feel. Thats why we are friends"

Though I did understand exactly what you wanted to convey, it could have been better. What I have written also has a room for improvement.

A little grammer can do. I would advice you read The Hindu everyday. They give you clear english vocabulary as compared others. I have improved a lot with their help.

from Chennai
15 years ago

Better try not hosting blogs..

It could be expensive for a few n maintaining self hosted blogs is a pain..

Buy a domain name at,its cheap over there.

Moving a blogspot hosted blog to a domain is easy.

blogger offers tutorials which are self-explanatory.

just a cname record n you are done with.

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago


Every thing has its own drawbacks also.. WP / Blogger are much easy to maintain but then again they wont support the freedom of modification as a self hosted script would do...

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Choto, i am hosted with and i am quite happy with them. Their servers are in USA. Servers in India are reliable upto 90% and also are damn costly. As a beginner, you should always host out of US since its the cheapest. And yes, there is much more possible with a hosted blog and you can also get ready made scripts that can be installed. Linux is my preferred OS. You can also create a photo gallery, a website based on Joomla, your own and private live chat. And all you pay for is the hosting and domain cost.
Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
Whats there to do with AWstats? I dont mind posting it here, but all if you wanted to know about website hits, then i do not follow it. I use Google Analytics to track the user behaviour.
Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Not to argue, but just state, AWStats are from direct server feeds compare to Google Analytics which needs to execute it self at user browser to calculate a visit or such..

There is one thing which I would like to point out about, that's their ToS... Once again, this is just for discussion purpose..

If our system administrators determine that a customer's account is utilizing an unacceptable amount of system resources, we may temporarily deactivate the account in question.

They are providing cPanel and i have taken a DEMO, there is no way one can view what is the amount of system resource he is using.. Beside, none of their plans states that what is the amount which they consider as accepted amount ??

Company shall provide Customer with a large volume of bandwidth, disk space and other resources, such as email and/or file-transfer-protocol ("FTP") accounts.  The Services are intended for normal use only.

What is normal use ?? Well, some time to them a blog is not a normal thing (i will explain later in my reply)

Company will monitor Customer's bandwidth and disk usage.  Company, in its sole discretion, shall have the right to take any corrective action if Customer's bandwidth or disk usage exceeds the Agreed Usage or other improper storage or usage.

hmm.. So much for unlimited !!!!

Hosting space is intended for normal use only, and is limited to Web files, e-mail and content of the hosted Web sites, not for storage of media, Mp3, vedio or other data.

Video / MP3 and Other (a real big word meaning lot of thing) is not web files...

This is not just UnitechHosting, you can find almost same user ToS with big names like DreamHost / HostGator / Bluehost and you name it...

Why I am wrtiing this ?

I dont want fellow blogger to face nightmares which I have faced with mine..

web MB and bandwidth GB costs you some thing, compare the plans with . Its a company which has really really good rep at many web hosting review forums... Compare their plan with most of the web hosts, why there is so much difference ??

Let me give some example from my own exp...


Reference: Monitor  Server: amigo Created: Thu May 15 13:24:10 2008Acct Type: Resold    Plan: cheeta_500  Domain:    User: saurav   Owner: cheeta   Email: (Reseller)Suspended: saurav         2008-10-22 00:56:10Hello,This message is to advise you of a temporary block placed on your account. The account referenced above was found to be consuming an inordinate amount of system resources, to the point of degrading overall system performance.While we do limit each account to no more than 25% of a system's resources in our terms of service, we do not actively disable accounts until they greatly exceed that number, which is what happened in this case.It was necessary to disable your account to maintain a minimum level of proper service for everyone else. From this point, the following options are available:a) Block heavy users of your site, if any, that may be causing excessive load.b) Optimize scripts (php, etc) that may be consuming a large amount of cpu or RAMc) Upgrade to a dedicated server; your site may have outgrown a shared environment.Please let us know if you have a solution you feel would resolve this issue. Should a solution not be forthcoming, we are happy to assist you with an upgradeto dedicated services, where your site will have room to grow without affecting other customers.  I appreciate your attention to this matter.Thank You,Gabriel MeyerLevel I Linux AdministratorHostgator LLC


No warning, nothing, just bang.. My account was gone..

At that time I am paying them USD 35 a month.. So any down time will effect Ads revenue which is imp to gather the hosting charges !!!

How to argue ??

ToS states they hold rights to remove any time they want !!!

What was I running ??

Just simple WP blog !!!

Same happened with DreamHost also, which matter of fact is a WP recommended host.. Let me show you their reply..


Hello,Your user, cheeta, has excessive resource usage. You can see below that your site is using too many resources and causing a higher than normal load.cheeta 58541 6.22% 164207.65re 0.10%467.94cp 13.15% 0avio 125576473k*seccheeta 63262 6.23% 206161.52re 0.13%526.85cp 12.33% 0avio 142875249k*seccheeta 63976 6.86% 204269.93re 0.13%537.84cp 12.90% 0avio 145398523k*seccheeta 63881 7.64% 140951.32re 0.08%503.81cp 14.76% 0avio 136258869k*secAs you can see, your user is using over 10% of the total CPU cycles on this server. This is a lot more than we allow, and is not fair to other users on this server who share resources with you.You can use this wiki article to find out what's causing the usage: software can have it's usage reduced with addons: should make sure you have hotlinking disabled as well:, you can try and optimize your code and database calls. If you feel you've done everything you can and need to upgrade to a more powerful machine then you might want to try our VPS servers. You can get more information from and you can sign-up for this service in your Panel under the Private Server tab.If you have any questions or concerns please let me know by either responding to this email, or emailing me directly at!Greg


I do thank DreamHost that they allowed few hours so that I could actually backup and move without any down time...

I am not alone, look around, many many other users have faced same issue.. It really hurts when all of a sudden you find the entire setup is gone... Even if you have full backup, at-least 24 hours for complete DNS change and restoration in another host !!!

I have a domain name and web space with Bluehost. I chose Bluehost because it is recommended by WordPress itself.

I haven't shifted my blogs to my domain name though, I just don't have the technical skill to do this.

I will eventually have to bite the bullet and do it, though, otherwise my investment in Bluehost will go down the drain.

One fundamnetal question, what is the advantage of having your blog on your on domain name?

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Beware, keep reguler backup !!!

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago
That is a horrible story. What i feel is that you can look around for some solution. Indiblogger is hosted on Hostgator and i have found many a times an error message coming up saying Server Shut Down in progress. I unfortunately could not share that screen shot since its on my home pc and i use my mobile most of the time. But why i mentioned Hostgator Is that indiblogger is a traffic heavy website. And its fully data base driven. So ideally, indiblogger should also face that problem. But as of now, we have not. Or if we have, Renie should have known. Lets ask him.
Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago


I dont know for the stats of Indiblogger, however for comparism and better understanding, let me attach (AWStats of this month) mine...

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

That is awesome stats dear.... what is the amount of revenues that you generate through this blog? you need close to 80K per annum to be able to afford a dedicated hosting.... and that will not have this limit and all, and you also dont have to share bandwidth....

I am now really confused as which of these stats are for real.. Google analytics shows that i have monthly page views of around 1600, however AWstats shows that's what I get for a day!!!!! what is correct or not, i am unable to understand......

Number of visits Google Analytics shows is 1098 as of today for a month (14 April to 14 May) but what I see on AWStats is that this figure is covered in mere 10 days???


Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Google Analytics counts a visit or any activity by getting executed in users browser.. Now they are based on scripts and some time due to many network / firewall / browser security settings / AVS that script can get blocked..

Compare to AWStats, which is generated by the server it self based on all incoming requests.. AWStats can be more reliable than any other 3rd party service...

Now in AWStats Number of Visits mean, unique visitor.. Meaning for example on May 01, 2009 in your site 210 unique IP addresses have arrived !!! No matter how many times an user open your blog, if he / she is using same IP, the number of visits would stay same, till the time when another IP address requests any content from your domain...

About my hosting, After facing nightmare from DreamHost and HostGator and some other smaller names, I switched to I am at present using a Managed Hybrid plan which costs me USD 121 per month.. I am quite satisfied with and their service :)

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

PS. I hope now you would agree, Self hosting is really expensive Cry

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Yes, I agree with you Choto on this one but it applies to your case more specifically. I have not faced problems like these for past three years of my self hosted website.

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Just to point out few things..

I started hosting my blog in a free hosting web site.. and but as the visit count increased so the hosting needs also..

Very illuminating discussion. Thanks, Choto and Hemal. I will think twice before shifting my blogs to my domain!

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Even though I have had problem with self hosting, but still I prefer self hosting.. But as you move, things that you should keep in mind is, Hosting Server do costs.. So it is impossible for some one to provide you unlimited MB or 2TB bandwidth for a nominal charge...

Visit the to compare what is the server charge in which your hosting company is hosting you.. you can calculate your self that whether it is possible for provide such hosting at that price tag or not..

Google for a term call "Over Selling" which should give you an idea about hosting tricks which majority of these hosts follow..

At the end, if you are self hosted, keep reguler backup of your database.. !!

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Google Analytics now has another option if Javascripts are disabled. They added a noscript tag and use an image to track hits

Choto Cheeta
from Kolkata
15 years ago

Yeah, ture..

but there are many people under network firewall or security policy which might block the domain under which the image is hosted..


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