SMS updates About Indiblogger

Mayank Singhal
Mayank Singhal
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I am working on a platform that can send free(automatic--making an API too) SMS updates to channel subscribers. Is there a need for such a feature for IndiBlogger?

Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Hmm.. Google SMS alerts is good, but I'm not sure if it has an API...

Is there a limit on the messages sent per hour/day?

Hemal Shah
Hemal Shah
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Are you trying to Sell it?

Mayank Singhal
Mayank Singhal
from Mumbai
14 years ago

@Renie: Actually it's an experimental service, started by Inuit. They have organised a competition to create such applications. I am planning to make some Intuit might remove it in 3-4 months. But it will surely work till then. :)

@Hemal: It's not my product :)

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

I have some experience in this area... NonStopSMS was one of the first products we built. Smile

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

NonStopSMS looks interesting! :D

Mayank Singhal
Mayank Singhal
from Mumbai
14 years ago

@RenieLooks cool! There is no service charge for TxtWeb (The name of the platform). So we can use it freely for now.

The main question is whether such a notification service is even required or not! 

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