Need help..

from Chandigarh
14 years ago

Hello everybody!


I am new to this site. I was really wondering as to how this site really works, and what all can a blogger do to get more exposure.


Also, my Indi rank is not updated ever since I created an account.


Hoping to get some guidance from fellow bloggers. Would love to make some new friends as well.


God bless !


Replies 1 to 5 of 5 Descending
from Bukit Mertajam
14 years ago

Register your blog with indiblogger and wait for a month...Cool

from Chandigarh
14 years ago

Its been more than a month , I guess..


But Ill just wait for some more time..


Thank you!! =)

from Bukit Mertajam
14 years ago

Hey, even my Indirank is not updated yet for this month.Cool

Let's wait ya. Do view my blog whenever you have time Have a good weekend.

from Chandigarh
14 years ago



And my blog too!


God bless..

from Bukit Mertajam
14 years ago

Hey, got your IndiRank??

Nice blog you haveCool

from Bangalore
14 years ago

hummm See both of you got yourselves a reader :) Thats what Indiblogger does :P

Well, Jokes apart - this forum has lots of active bloggers across India..Ooops world, sharing their expertise and learning with all of us. 

I would always be thankful to Indiblogger, because of whom I started blogging. My story begins where I was a Guest speaker in one of the Indiblogger meet, thats when I saw so many like minds passionate about blogging. Thats what has brought me to this portal.. and yes, today my weblog stands in one of the top Technology blogs., and I am soooper Xcited about it. 

So you are here.. and thats the good thing :) Start exploring more.. seek help, give suggestions.. Happy blogging..,Enjoy Maadi.!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Punkster, you got your IndiRank! Smile

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