Wordpress blog - Hindi plugins not working - help sought

Sanjeev Sabhlok
Sanjeev Sabhlok
from Melbourne
14 years ago

How do I get Wordpress to display Hindi fonts?

I'm using a Whitehouse theme in Wordpress. When I apply standard Hindi (Indic) plugins, they don't work at all. Even when some of these plugins offer me a choice to enter text in Hindi, they don't work - only display English. I then tried to cut and paste from the google transliteration tool. The cut-paste works and displays the text in the draft Wordpress post but when I save the post, Wordpress displays question marks instead, e.g. ??????. 

What is happening? Is there something wrong with my wordpress php files?

Additional Details

I'm using a Whitehouse theme in Wordpress. When I apply standard Hindi (Indic) plugins, they don't work at all. Even when some of these plugins offer me a choice to enter text in Hindi, they don't work - only display English. I then tried to cut and paste from the google transliteration tool. 

The cut-paste works and DISPLAYS the text in the DRAFT Wordpress post but when I SAVE the post, Wordpress displays question marks instead, e.g. ??????. 

I've ensured that my browser is fully set up for Indian languages. I can read ALL Hindi blogs. I can even SEE the Hindi fonts when I start a post on Wordpress.

Only after SAVING the Hindi disappears and I get ????? instead.

Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
from Kerala
14 years ago

To write and display unicode Hindi font correctly, you have to do some editing in the config.php file of your blog.

Open up ‘wp-config.php’ from the root directory of your WordPress installation.Add ‘//’ at the very beginning of these two lines:define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8′);define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);So that section should now look like this://define(‘DB_CHARSET’, ‘utf8′);//define(‘DB_COLLATE’, ”);

Save the file.

Sanjeev Sabhlok
Sanjeev Sabhlok
from Melbourne
14 years ago

Thanks, Sujith, it worked! I'm finally going to be able to publish my posts in Hindi! much appreciated.



Sanjeev Sabhlok
Sanjeev Sabhlok
from Melbourne
14 years ago
Sanjeev Sabhlok
Sanjeev Sabhlok
from Melbourne
14 years ago

Sujith,  A problem has cropped up:


The inverted commas are now seen as diamond images with a question mark inside them.  Is there a way to fix that? Looks like this is a consequence of fixing the wp-config.php file.



from Kerala
14 years ago

Nothing wrong with wp-config.php file. It may be your theme or plugins issue. I think the problem is with title only. Try to retype the title and update the post.

Sanjeev Sabhlok
Sanjeev Sabhlok
from Melbourne
14 years ago

Thanks Sujith, once again.

Your solution has worked. I also found the same problem had occurred inside some (a few) of these blog posts, but at least I now know how to fix this problem. So now I can write Hindi and English posts on the same blog. Excellent outcome.



Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

@Sujith - nice work, helping out a fellow IndiBlogger. Much appreciated! Smile

Akash Kumar
Akash Kumar
from Jaipur
14 years ago


appreciate your attitude of helping a fellow blogger.

Nice work. Hope you continue the good work.

Would like to thank on behalf of blogger community.


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