What to write?

from Chennai
14 years ago

Dear Friends,

I've started blogging to become a good writer.  I want to inspire people and make them smile and sometimes laugh.  I've written some posts.  But now I'm out of thoughts.  I don't know what to write.  Can any one give me a clue that I can follow up?

Replies 1 to 17 of 17 Descending
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Take a look at the home page of indiblogger for some of the ongoing contests, you will get plenty of ideas to write about!

from India
14 years ago

ya lots of things exploring out there....

go n check them Smile

Also look around, if you have a sympethtic heart, you may come across instances of injustices happening around you. Perhaps you may get something there.

However, I am new in the Indiblog. I have to get used to it.  If I may ask, what do you find special about Indiablog group, what will be your answer.

Sakhi Shah
Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

I would recommend writing about something that a lot of people share: family, love, concerns about the future, india (at least here), social issues or even the need to connect - any of these which touches you in some way (or really, things like this, this list is by no means exclusive) - and I'm sure it would be both popular and helpful to people. A fresh take on an ordinary event is always appreciated. 


Best of luck! :) 

Hey Uday!

Write about things that come naturally to you, things which you feel for.  It can be a small little thing like a boy selling flowers near the road etc.

Moreover, if u don't have any writings with u, post a picture, a doodle, a cartoon or a thought which touched you. 

You can write or express only when u r in touch with yourself. so remain in touch!



Sanjay Vedula
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Dear Uday,

Rashmi Bansal, a popular blogger once said only blog when you feel like blogging.

Just blog because you love blogging. Rest all will follow. Initially every blogger is in such a thought phase. I believe a blog would be awesome only when the posts are posted when you feel like posting. Target oriented posts will often screw up the all lovely blog!

Happy blogging


from Bengaluru
13 years ago

I second this! :) 

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@Naveen Thanks friend Smile

from Chennai
14 years ago

Dear friends,

Thanks for the suggestions.  I'll try improving my writing with the suggestions you gave me.  Thanks a lot.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Go to the loo now! You'll get your ideas!

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago


lol! this is funny! hahaha

from Mumbai
14 years ago

No I was serious! Seriously!

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@Addy hahahaha!

from Chennai
13 years ago

hey seriously guys..it works!!! I have a friend who at times writes notes in the bathroom. It actually works!!! But i guess it may only work for men!!! :)

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Haha..how terrible Addy's condition is...he can't even be serious because of his reputation!Tongue out

Raghu V N
Raghu V N
from Thrissur
14 years ago

If you have the true interest to write something, you can even write a book about 'nothing' !!

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

Well said dude..i've read a story..of one man who was in writers block..so that he had no ideas...but he was so passionate that he made up his mind to write something like 50 lines or 500 words or something everyday...and no crossing that limit too..n he made those collection of 50 lines a book! A book about nothing!!Smile

Raghu V N
from Thrissur
13 years ago

I just felt about this. I called it 'my private rubbish'!! But, it is possible to write about nothing. If you can implement some illusions of complexities, it might get some rewards also!!

Nitin Jain
Nitin Jain
from Delhi
14 years ago
http://www.indiblogger.in/forum/topic.php?id=6398 visit this thread..u will get excellent idea
Nitin Jain
Nitin Jain
from Delhi
14 years ago


from pune
14 years ago

Write what you know :)

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

so much gyaan Tongue out by people....

Uday..just visit my blog..u will get all ideas :)...I just write on anything and everything..no limit on theme or topics...

if u want to write soemthing everyday..then I have an terrific idea for u..

"have a good sleep...once you get up write what you dreamt"

I am sure every dream will be different from the previous one..u'll love it Wink


from Chennai
13 years ago

lol @unknown. I just loveedddd your idea Sealed

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

I am glad u liked it...see next time u think u r facing a writer's block u can do this..:D

and I love ur cartoons

from Bengaluru
13 years ago

I had once written alike, from a dream..n it didn't take me long to understand that..."It was a messed up dream! :P "

from Bangalore
13 years ago

look under content and inspiration if you still need more ideas :)

from Chennai
13 years ago

@mohan: if ppl are passionate about writing, they don't need inspiration. They just write. what do u think?

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@Vanathi Agreed! 

I am sure @Mohan would agree too!

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

Sanjay.u r too sweet for everyone.. I see u agreeing everywhere..

I dont agree :)

where does passion come from? steroids?

Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
13 years ago

@unknown lol! Thanks! Tongue out 

from India
13 years ago

now i think Uday has got enough of ideas... Uday r u listening???

bt still this thread is something in it that's why it is on.... strange

from Chennai
13 years ago

Yeah! I'm listening.  Thanks guys for your ideas.  I think when you want to write, let your brain be empty.  The things will come for sure just like this topic.

from Hyderabad, India
13 years ago

I'll tell it this way.. u r not writing an exam.. so dont press urself to write something.. just write watever..

at the max ppl will not like it.. but still there will be some loyal readers who will say.. it was a good read...and there will be some lazy ones without reading they will say..it was really interesting..and there will be some spammers..who will post their blog links..


from Minneapolis
13 years ago

Here are some ideas apart from the usual suggestions people chip in -

  • You come across some interesting or disheartening article on newspaper. You can share your own opinion on it by writing an article with some background research
  • You find some thing interesting and click a picture while traveling. Share the picture on your blog and make a story around it.
  • You find some inspiring article on someone else's blog. Do some background research on the topic and elaborate your opinion on the other persons's article. Make sure to have a link to the other person's blog post.

The key to blogging is reading. You will automatically get ideas if you keep reading. Some one else on the forum might have already suggested you to participate in various blogging contests people host.


Vee @ Psyche's Visage

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