Widget Talk

There are so many types of widgets available on so many websites for BLOGGER.

What are your favourite or must have widgets for your blog? Also, best comments forms?

What suggestions you have about widgets?

Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
from Delhi
14 years ago

like Wibiya widget Smile

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I remember answering this question on this forum earlier. Here goes:


Though I am now a little disappointed with PostRank. I have removed it, Skribit and the Word of the Day widget. I'll still recommend the Random posts button.

@ Mag - what's Wibiya widget? tell something pls.


@ Rohini- hey thanks dear, just saw that thread. thanks, it was useful.


@ Choto Cheeta - tell me which one using  HTML?


from Bangalore
14 years ago

Cheeta possibly means the 'Add HTML/ Javascript' widget in Blogger. You can install any third-party code using that widget.

Thanks Rohini, I got it. But in that third party HTML, what are your favourites, I wanted to know.

@ Mag - what's Wibiya widget? tell something pls.


@ Rohini- hey thanks dear, just saw that thread. thanks, it was useful.


@ Choto Cheeta - tell me which one using  HTML?



from Minneapolis
14 years ago

Restless - Wibiya is the one I'm using on my blogpage. On the bottom end of the page, you can find a tool bar like Widget.

from Mumbai
14 years ago
IndiWidget! :-)

what's that? The one to show forum's activity on your blog?

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

According to our stats - the feedjit widget is the most popular in the IndiBlogosphere. IndiRank follows in the second place. Smile

Thanks Renie!  You emerge suddenly like God, I really like it when you comment on my thread. Smile

OK so stats say so?! Feedjit is popular truly and IndiRank is actually a thing of pride for most of us.  I have placed it on the Top RHS of my blog! Love to show off my first rank!

Thanks again!


Just a pen in my hand
Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago


wel wibiya widget is a cool feature actly...te thing u see on some blogs on te bottom...its like a tool bar at te bottom of te page...if u cn , jus see my blog , it has te wibiya widget at te bottom of every page , easy to add , easy to operate , n good for visitors....

also , i wud recommend the LinkWithin widget , nice one tat..

recent posts widget , recent comments etc ,..these r nice n make ur home page look good....u use blogger , so u cn use some in-built blogger widgets , they look gud , bt some of them may make ur page load slow...so do a hit n miss experiment on them ......

IndiBlogger badge , Twitter widget , other badges etc r cool n help u communicate wid ur visitors n spread te word....also u cn add shout box , dint try tat , bt i hear gr8 reviews of tat......

wel , do one thing , google it , n u wil surely find te right widgets tat complement ur site's profile , but remember one thing , dnt over-crowd ur home page , it wil make it take more time to load , n also , te page wil look congested....so u mite get a higher bounce rate frm ur page.....

wel , m nt a pro blogger , nt even close , so , tats like kind of te extent of my humble knowledge....search out a bit , u wil get te goodies....

hope i cud b of help...tc

Thanks Just a pen in my hand, good info. I have most of these except wibiya and shoutbox.  I put a chatterbox and nobody wrote there, so i removed it.Frown

Of course, one can find things on google search, but nothing like asking the blogger pals!!


Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

glad to b of help Restless....tc

from Minneapolis
14 years ago

Overcrowding the blog with various 3rd party widgets might slow down your page. It certainly makes our blog slower when the servers hosting the scripts for those widgets are slow.

I like Wibiya too, for it aggregates all neat little widgets and I never found it making my page slow.

I find Feedjit on almost every blog page now, that asserts Renie's statement

OK Vee, so third party widgets may slow down our page, hmm.

Yes, now I got it what is Wibiya. But really dont know how it helps? gotta read myself.

Anyways thanks VEE!

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