Caught in the web?

Medha Nagur
Medha Nagur
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hey there!

I have started blogging way back in 2007Smile, but I am still new to world of bloggingEmbarassed, here is why?

Though started 3 years back, I could not be regular and consistent due to various commitments in real life and hence gradually faded away from online life i.e bloggingSealed. Now that I have made a firm decision to start it all over again, am struck in traffic jam on net and feels like the the spider named 'lack of visibility' has tied me on 'web' and has started pulling me making me feel like am just another 'pray' and all the big beautiful blogs are ready to eat meFrown!

Am I the only one here? Did you guys felt this at any point of time? How did you get out of this web and saved your blog?Undecided

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Oslo
14 years ago

You set a schedule and just do it. (e.g., I will write for one hour each day.) It doesn't matter if what you write seems poor quality initially, it will improve as time goes along.

Sakhi Shah
Sakhi Shah
from Vadodara
14 years ago

Personally I write blog posts with the net switched off. Too many distractions. :) 

Just a pen in my hand
Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

yup , jus enjoy life there is , n write abt u feel abt most , wid te net turned on.....thn , wen u feel ur post is ready , publish it in ur blog....i dnt follow a hard n fast rule at wat specific time i shud write , i write wen it strikes me.....check out my blog n u wil know wat i am talkn abt....

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