Blogging for Change - the new mantra for bloggers. (?)

Payal Shah Karwa
Payal Shah Karwa
from Mumbai
14 years ago

After that successful Indimum bloggers' meet, we realised that its time the serious blogging community think about bringing in change and ultimately translating the brilliant ideas into action. Be it bringing in change in the education system, taking on corruption, amassing the power of youth to actually conribute to a positive environment they are living in....blogging can bring people to interact, discuss, form a community for that issue and actually get together to take SOME action for it. For example, you feel for the environment - just collect some simple executable tips on power saving. Or on rain water harvesting. ideas which people can follow and Act on immediately. So instead of TALK , L(et's) AKT. Any suggestions?


Its quite simple to do - think, write, call for action. The full stop is meant only to end the sentence, not the action.

Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Oslo
14 years ago

Of course, one could also consider not blogging about doing something and actually do it.

Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Smile Only if you what you're actually doing can make a bigger difference than blogging about it!

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Beautifully composed and generates  good  will respect and action..Blogs are meant to Heal and Touch ..Satyamave Jayate ka doosra Nam  Search...Sach


Thank you Payal..

Payal Shah Karwa
Payal Shah Karwa
from Mumbai
14 years ago

thanks all guys...this was discussed at our mumbai meet, with gul panag moderating it beautifully...but not sure if everyone was up for it...though maybe those interested can create a community and activate this.

do let me know if you support this, we could create a community and blog for change with the help of others.

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