Your blog's theme in one line ..
Angry , Sarcastic and funny rant about the general events / persons / stupidity around......
A sarcastic and perennially cynical journal of a geek.
Hey Pundit! You are an awesome photographer. One day I will be a better photographer than you..
On a second thought, I've brought down my aspirations.. I would be okay with half of your skills.. :)
It's a kaleidoscope of themes- no way of being defined in one line except one- It's ME! - The Buzzz starts here
@Deepak - LOL - Even the buck visits - surely you know the buck stops here..
more bang for the buck.......
I do man! When ever I am sober I respond to each and every post in the forum!
one of the finest blogger is saying dat thing...
no way MohAN....
checked out ur blog.. pretty cool man..
Howz dat? Nice na..
circle of fear.. pretty nice post G :)
@Abhi truck driver..
now thats wht i call confidence buddy :D
Mayank. It is all about
in one word :) welcome to spinning a yarn of life
pretty interestin theme..... so is the blog... nice 1...
[ Mayank -]
thanx mayank !
Dark and beautiful..
dark / black economics? :)
well.. i dont know about economics.. i hated that subject in school and collage.. but i love to predict.. and with god's grace its bang on till now.. havent been on my blog full on... so here is hoping will be more active on my blog with more s e n s e x prediction
basically, i write about Indianomics, which means an overall view of india, from a common man's point of vew. if you read my old posts, you will realize what i mean.
good, interestin blog.......
Love Life and Loss...!
My Infatuation Love Demystified -
Amit Purohit
Collection of my take on various issues, often satiric, some quirky viewpoints on human behavior
Really liked ur post 'emosanal atyachaar'....
@ Mayank: Thanx :D
Politically incorrect, technically correct, blog of all things-- big and small!
Lesser known characters, incidents and narrations from the Mahabharata.
Simply..not bad....
@Deepak.....hi five to your taste.......:P...Thank u for compliment....:D
the face of my mind, my thoughts and my experiences -
stylish as in? a header image like the one you have in your blog? would love to hear more feedback. i've made too many changes with the template very recently and I'm kind of okay with the current template.
As the blog name suggests, I blog about things which seem nuisance, but a closer look can bring out the creative usefulness in them.
good 'nuisance' u hv created dude :).. nice writeups
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