Will DLF IPL turn out to be a bloggers paradise ?

Dr Pushkar
Dr Pushkar
from Mumbai
15 years ago

In our cricket crazy nation this will be the biggest cricketing event without doubt this year, but will this event provide the bloggers (new & old) oppurtunity to really reach out to their audiences & get a kick start? In short will it help to increase the trend of blogging in India?

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Adesh Sidhu
Adesh Sidhu
from Gurgaon
15 years ago

Yes and No.

Yes because any national event bring people togather in virtual as well as in real world. Number of bloogers will rise as there will be people who are waiting to start blogging but unable to decide on topic and IPL gives them a topic to start.

Cricekt is religion and lot of people recognize with it. They already have strong connect with topic (cricket) and they have an audience for it, lot of people will try to leverage this strong platform.

No because event based blogs tend to die after event is over. This happened on 26/11 when terrorits attacked Mumbai. Lot of new blogs started to vent their anger out on terrorism in general and Mumbai attacks in particular. But maximum blogs have already died because they were driven by an event and inspiration fizzeled out once things were normal and they were unable to continue with their new found love - blogging.

from india
15 years ago

no ipl wont do anything because elections are here, nothing is more interesitng than elections , this is time when we will be watching on tv and on blogs also which gunda  has won the elections.      

reality is bitter

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Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Guys, if you have any blog posts about the IPL or the elections, don't forget to submit them to IndiVine!

Dr Pushkar
Dr Pushkar
from Mumbai
15 years ago

@ Adesh, I agree with your thoughts that most of these blogs will be like fly-by-night operators, but the increase in penetration of broadband coupled with the thrill of cricket will definitely produce some gems. I'm not suggesting that their will be a quantum leap but their will be significant addition & some of them will continue.

Secondly, by the term "bloggers paradise" i meant bonanza for bloggers i.e. much needed recognition & fame for Indian Bloggers.

@sm, General Elections are definitely more important. But by the time IPL begins campaigning will be almost over so the buzz would definitely shift to IPL. And it has to be kept in mind that IPL will also attract massive attention from people living abroad.

@Renie, Thanks for your prompt response. You are doing a great job. Keep up the spirits!

from india
15 years ago

yes i agree with you

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