How about Indichat?
Any one for a chat application in indiblogger? I've been spending a lot of time on indiblogger these days. Have always wanted a small Gmail like chat app to chat with other bloggers on my network. Anyone for the idea?
I guess there was one third party forum where the IndiChat was hosted a few days ago. But nobody uses it now I guess......
Can anyone tell me how to use Indichat? I can read other's latest chat. but could not see a place to post my message. kindly help me.
Navneet Singh Chauhan.
Navneet, you can go here and activate it..
I never thought that there exists something called activation of chat!
This public indi chat makes ppl mind dere ways :D Plus a sense of unity prevails coz of it...!I dnt think same wud happen with a one to one chat can always take it forward with other bloggers on FB Gtalk etc.