Cannot understand of the meaning of Google Pagerrank low

Shivani Singh
Shivani Singh
from Delhi
14 years ago

i was a little surprised as my stats say...Google pagerrank low...try to get more relevant links to your blog.Cannot figure out how to do this.Can anybody have patience enough to explain this to me.

Thank you



Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
from Kerala
14 years ago
Shivani Singh
from Delhi
14 years ago

Thank you Mr.Sujith for a prompt reply.Will go through the links and try to understand.

Suresh babu
Suresh babu
from Bangalore
14 years ago

HI Shivani

I would concentrate on the content rather than page rank or trust rank. Page rank is important but if you have good content, more and more people will link back and give the value it deserves. The more people value, Google will understand and automatically give you the page rank you required. It was a long time ago that your website needs page rank to rank well etc, but now its changing. Its more about the quality of the content, Of course you will have to promote the site.

Thats why we have stes like Indiblogger and other sites


Shivani Singh
from Delhi
14 years ago

Yup i too thought like that.Content is the essence.But maybe i am sounding too boring cause i don't seem to get more followers.Yeah there are a very limited few who try to be kind to me while i try to be contentfull if not contentless.But some suggestions on promoting my site will be helpful too if you have the time and the inclination.Thank you for your prompt reply.





from calcutta
14 years ago

Hi Shivani... i think the search engines love me... my main mixed and personal blog went from pr0 to pr3 few days ago!! what i mean is your sites content which is indexed in the search engines are of great importance to help increase your Google pr and i swear to it.  They count towards back links, of course you may already know that. These back links make up your pr... so keep updating unique content, link exchange and try commenting on blogs relevant to your site... it worked for me, i'll work for you too!  :)

For me i didn't have to comment or link build or anything other than posting relevant content on my 'parenting' blog, but with its increase in just three months since i created it back in 2008, i'm still doing the same. The blogs still maintaining its rank which is pr2.  Imagine if i comment, link build etc ;)

Remember if you update, comment,link exchange or b active on social networking sites... readership grows automatically :)... Are you already sleeping?? hehe

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