I comment to say Hi! How about you?

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Yes I comment to say Hi... !

I keep one hour each day for just visiting various blogs of interest and make it a point to write my comment. It helps in many ways;

  1. Great way to start a communication.
  2. Build a network of friends and bloggers who reciprocate the same.
  3. More traffic to your site.
  4. Most important is to increase the knowledge base reading the blogs.

When internet is all about 'sharing is caring ' then comment is the most powerful tool to prove the same.

Like to hear your views and comments of course Smile

PS: I comment in sync with the posts I read, and my comments are more than just a  "Hi"

To make the topic interesting I left it with a "Hi"    Space constraint!!

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: detail
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Just a pen in my hand
Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

hey , please visit my blog if u wish....  http://darkcoffeebeans.blogspot.com 

from Chennai
14 years ago

Wowww What an idea sirji!! Hi Hi Hi

Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Very engrosing template! Matches with the mood of your theme and content. Was slightly uncomfortable with the red text color. May be it is my feeling, you are welcome to differ. You are the master of your site.

Very impressive one. Best wishes.

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Thanks for the toughtful comment.

It depends on the place the 'Hi" comment is placed. If it is in on a site for a post then it will have its natural death there.

But on a forum like this it is meant to understand views and commenting policies of readers. Not to forget the number of friends one get.

And am glad that my "Hi" here is still alive and kicking!!

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Thanks Richa for reminding, list updated- I have 5 followers from Indibloggers Smile

Keep visiting blogs of your interest and share your views there. Internet is all about reaching out to people. Not all will respond but at least you are taking an effort to reach out.

Write useful and interesting comments related to the post to make the site owner feel like answering back to you.

Keep in touch, take care.


Hi Sanjeeta!  U started a meaningful discussion. I could not read all the comments.... phew.... they were quite many!

True, comments are your way of saying I read ur blog and please know it that I also exist in the blogging world!!  But a comment without actually reading the content is shallow.

I as a new blogger, read the blogs of ppl who visit me, comment me, or promote my blog, and leave a meaningful comment, giving feedback. Ok now time to check  ur blog!!!


Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Thanks for dropping by and leaving your comments. Yes comments left without reading the content will be a shallow one.

Visited your site. interesting content and good reads. Keep it up. Best wishes.

Just a pen in my hand
Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago

thanx for te review sanjeeta. :)

hope u liked it.

Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

You are welcome.

Of course I liked it. Keep it up. Best wishes.

Just a pen in my hand
from Agartala
14 years ago


from Mumbai
14 years ago

Anoop where are you man? first one to comment here and now you are lost! 

Look at this perfect example of your findings/experiments.

C'mon dude. show up!

Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Two invitations sent...from Addy.  Now, that makes me eager to read his comments.

Might learn a lesson or two on commenting.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Sanjeeta one thing I want to clear here, this is kind of making fun. But, take my word for it, it does not concern you in anyway. I hope its clear and it does not make matter worse here. 

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Sorry if it hurt you.


from Mumbai
14 years ago

What? No no no no! Please, you are getting it all wrong! I was not hurt, I am never hurt (unless you beat me physically ofcourse)! I was concerned about you taking the above point the wrong way, anyways I guess you are cool with it! So good, all is well. Laughing

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago


from Mumbai
14 years ago

All the "Hi!!"s dried out?

Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

Got one today,  Addy.

I suppose its too long a word to write for many?

from Mumbai
14 years ago

hmm.. thats  sad Frown

from Delhi
14 years ago

naaaah.... one more is still there and a longest one.... hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Sanjeeta KK
Sanjeeta KK
from chennai
14 years ago

A greeting in current state !

from Mumbai
14 years ago


from Chennai
13 years ago

http://badabingbadabambadaboom.wordpress.com/2011/03/21/un-written-rules-in-indian-engineering-universities/ is the link !

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