FORUM Spammers should be banned

from Bangalore
14 years ago

This is heights... someone just comes over to indiblogger forum and posts new topics with just a couple of phrases that too in non english language which are totally unrelated.

Wish the moderators take a not of such people and remove them forever!

Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
Vijay Bankar
Vijay Bankar
from Mumbai
14 years ago

second it.

Dont have a problem with the non english part but just posting words in other languages seems very weird...

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I agree.. i am not against linguistics.. but writing unrelated topics with a word or two is highly un-acceptable.

from Delhi
14 years ago

Agreed. Although i dont have any problem with Hindi but this is spamming.

On second thoughts, may be he/she doesnt exactly knew what he was doing...!

from Bangalore
14 years ago


from Chennai
14 years ago

It really looks ugly to see 10-15 topics created in between 10-15 minutes. To add on top of that, there are no replies (I don't know Hindi. But I thought it would mean something to someone). Anyways even if it means to someone or doesn't mean to someone, creating 10-15 topics in between 10-15 minutes is spamming. Let us atleast have IndiBlogger clean from spams. I do not have anything against Hindi. When it takes some good time to discuss on a single topic, creating 10-15 topics doesn't make sense even to the one who created them. Moderators should be active and do something about cleaning these topics off the forum. Let us not ban the user right away. The moderators can leave them with a memo and if it is repeated, moderators can think about imposing a ban on the user. Good that Mohan brought this to the notice.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

I think language is not an issue here, the issue is spamming!

You can post all you want, in whatever language you want, (thought its the best to use a universal language that reaches all, which is English here, to have a wider audience) and frankly using a regional language in a "Nation wide forum" is kind of regionalism! India has i dunno like 100s of languages, and being a dedicated forum to Indian bloggers, there should be a protocol here that makes all the users use at least a universal language in the forum at least. Using a language of their choice for their respective blogs is another thing.

And fortunately or unfortunately English is the language that connects the Internet and India too I guess! So its at least "good  manners" to follow it in the forum!

But that is not the main agenda here, here it is about bloggers starting new threads just to promote their posts!! Well, first of all that is not good manners! You guys need to get a life. This forum is for discussion and solving problems and sharing! Not "PROMOTING" and the number of replies that you get in those threads show how many people take interest in you stupid posts!! there are other ways in to promote your new posts! ever heard of "Indivine"?????

And even after a thread posted by the mods on Shameless Self Promotion hurts You and Indiblogger you still overlook it! That is a direct violation of the code of conduct!

So my dear spammer friends your useless, crap threads deserve to be deleted and you, being kicked out of the forum and Indiblogger! Rest is up to the mods. But thats my verdict!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Topics removed. Blogger temporarily disapproved till we're sure it won't happen again. Frown

Thanks Mohan, for pointing this out so quickly!

from Bangalore
14 years ago

That was fast! thanks Renie. Appreciate it.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Yo! that was quick! and cool! nice move! Smile

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Yup... it is :)

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Still there are few spammers lurking around........

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Renie, let us know if you need a couple more moderators...

from Mumbai
14 years ago

Sure! We're GAME!

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