Wordpress Theme Change

Pooja Doshi
Pooja Doshi
from Mumbai
14 years ago

This is really wierd, but all of a sudden my Wordpress Vigilance Theme has changed its background and font colour.

I checked the html codes of these options and they are the same as before.

I don't know what is going wrong. Please help me to reslve this error, I've no idea what to do.

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from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

First of all, stop worrying. " All is well" funda from Aamir Khan.

Nothing changes unless you heva fiddled around with your template. SOmetimes even playing with plugins can result in unfavourable changes. The last thing may be your blog is hacked, in which case you need to worry.(But the last case is almost no possibility with newer versions of wordpress)

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Hey, just disable the last plug-in and check .. that should sort out the issue. Check with the other plug-ins one after the other, maybe there was an update to a plug-in that you last installed ?


Blog being hacked would be an extreme case, and I dont think that would be the case. 

Sorry, wordpress.com having these issues is strange, try with another theme from Wordpress.com and that should hopefully look normal. Actually It does already look normal ... so am not too sure what you talking about. :)  http://blog.melvinpereira.com 

Pooja Doshi
Pooja Doshi
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Ok, first of all I haven't fiddled with anything.

I just login, post and logout that's all.


and no Melvin, it isn't normal. The link colour and font colour are still different.


Also I don't have a self-hosted blog. So no installed plugins. I have a predesigned theme, where in I have an option of chosing my own colours and header. Nothing fancy. They are still the same.

Maybe, the manufacturers of the theme, have tweaked it. Who knows?


Anyway, thanks for your help guys.

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