Are there any women health and fitness bloggers out there?

from New Delhi
14 years ago

Writing about health,fitness and nutritional common-sense from a working mom's perspective has been a largely solitary journey for me.

I would like to add some like to add some like-minded ladies  to my network.

PS:I am not banning guys from replying, Smile

as long as they share perspective-which briefly is, that fitness is not the sole domain of fancy gyms or elaborate workouts.It's within grasp of all of us,and is about wholesome nutrition and a commitment to movement in all it's forms-including lifting heavy things.

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from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

oops, no replies except mine.

No matter a lot of people around are fat and bulky. They seem to put in great amount of efforts to enjoy the process of getting fat. Laughing

Come one people, show us you are better than that. Varsha is putting in good efforts.

Build Muscle Burn Fat

from New Delhi
14 years ago

Thanks! for the plug Abhinav.It is good to have like-minded allies or the blogosphere becomes lonely.

But let us not look down upon the non-fitness crowd,tempting as it is.

For I know when I put on kilos after my second baby -it was not because I stopped doing my daily walks but because I did not know what else should be done.I hated being bulky and was swimming-cycling-walking like mad;but nothing was happening.

I did not know that a high carb,low fat diet was sabotaging the fatloss or the endless bouts of cardio were futile. I did not know that hauling a little iron could take me out of the fitness rut.

I think people stop exercising when the results do not match the efforts.And weight training cures that problem by giving  amazing returns.


from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

Youare right Varsha

This is where our blogs on health and fitness shine and help people get a good idea on what should be done and how. Lets keep up the good work.

Build Muscle Burn Fat

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