How to get more comments on my blog posts

from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

My blog has been up for a couple of months at Build Muscle Burn Fat .I do not know why really few people happen to comment on my blog.Can you suggest something? How to increase readeship of my blog?

Replies 1 to 14 of 14 Descending
from Chennai
14 years ago

Keep writing and you will get them eventually. don't ever thin about not getting many comments, not getting many page hits. All that would come if you keep writing.




Ashwani Singla
from Gurgaon
14 years ago

I agree with Loganathan. But at the same time, it is equally important that the quality of the content on your blog is good and is of an interest to the visitors. You need to take care to write frequently, promote your blog well and have some patience. Comments for the posts will then follow.

from Mumbai
14 years ago

write good posts - the readers and comments will increase eventually..initially nobody gets comments..

visit other blogs and leave a word there ABOUT THE POST. Don't mention/request others to read your blog in the comments. Usually bloggers do visit if you have left a comment.

Last, but not the least, read these people - Mohan (, Shilpa Garg (, Guria ( to name a few. Surf through Indivine. You will find many good bloggers there :)

Blog and be happy. Write for yourself. Everything else will automatically fall in its place :)

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Neha.... Feel so humbled after reading your reply! thanks girl Smile

from Bangalore
14 years ago

There is one sticky post on this form at the top towards the guidelines on blog comments.. It is an excellent read, go through it.

from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

Wow,nice suggestions Neha and Mohan.

I will go and check it out.

meanwhile more suggestions are also welcome.

Thanks and keep sharing.


from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

Thanks Ashwani.

I agree. no one will read text which is not interesting

It is our personal touch whic text into a blog.

Build Muscle Burn Fat

14 years ago

give your blog address as signature in popular forums and be an active member in those will gain you many visitors....

from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

Hi Sujith

I agree with you, can u suggest me some forums of the ype u said above?

Build Muscle Burn Fat

Amit Ahuja
Amit Ahuja
from Sagar
14 years ago

hey abhinav, i visited ur blog, y have u allowed users to comment on your conditions page??

You know you have built a very good website and has a pagerank of 3. But it feels that its not arranged properly. Try working on highlighting categories

from Chennai
14 years ago

Abhinav, I think the nature of your blog is the cause for you getting less comments. Normally a blog which gives info are just read and seldom commented on. You have a PR 3 which very good and you wont get that if you dont have hits. So you must have readers, they just read what they want and leave. 

Moreover comments do get monotonous on such posts like "nice post", "Great post", "Keep blogging"......

So dont be bothered, you just write the content. As long as there are people visting and readimg your posts it doesnt matter. 

cheers mate

from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

Hi VenkyThanks for the input, May be writing abouthealth and sports is the reason. Btu it is my passion and the only thing I love. So let the readers be for the moment, I will keep on with what I like. Thx for ur suggestions.

Build Muscle Burn Fat

from Chennai
14 years ago

Thats what i also say buddy you cant write what you dont like. Dont be bothered just march ahead :-)

from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

Hi Vijay

I have given my blog a new look ,just designed a new logo today and changed the theme to make it look more sporty. Let me know if you have any review about it.

Build Muscle Burn Fat

Lazy Pineapple
Lazy Pineapple
from Pune
14 years ago

I would suggest you to find bloggers in your own niche. Since you write about fitness it would be good to mingle with people who are interested in writing and reading about it.

Most of us forget to target the niche we are in and end up commenting randomly, I have done this would want loyal followers who would love to read what you write.

I read your posts and content wise I found it to be good but your posts are not for masses so target the niche and am sure you will soon get a very large following.

Cheers :)

from Chennai
14 years ago

Spot on thats a good point

from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

Lazy PineappleMakes sense, that is why I use a lot of social media to try to get more readers away from India as well.

My template was lacking the glow to make it look like a professional health and fitness site. The recent comments from fella indibloggers gave me this feeling and I felt it myself too. Thanks AJIT for a neutral feedback about my  site. I got into my designing gear yesterday and worked on a brand new template. Looks like it is much better than before.

Anyone up for a revie? Will really appreciate it.


Build Muscle Burn Fat

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