Voting counts

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I have this question to Indiblogger for a long time now. When I vote for certain blogs, everytime I click, the count increases by 2. But when I actually check the number of bloggers who voted, its either half the number of less than that. Why is this happening? Just curious to know.Tongue out In a way its a selfish question too, as my posts never have that problem, its too regular and the counts never cross more than 11Smile

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Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Hey Lahari - the value of the vote depends on the IndiRank of the one who posted the blog post... from the IndiVine faqs:

I voted once, but the count increased by 2 points. Is that a bug? No, that's a feature of IndiVine. The IndiVine voting system is integrated with IndiRank, where a vote for a higher ranking blog gets more weightage. Let's take for example the blog having an IndiRank of 55. Every vote for posts from this blog will have a value of (1 + .55 = 1.55). Votes are rounded off for display. All fresh entries on IndiVine start at 0 votes, regardless of the IndiRank.

from Osaka city/Japan
14 years ago

I was curious about the same question.Thanks for the nice explanation Renie.

Build Muscle Burn Fat

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I was confused over the same too! thanks for the clarity :)

from Bangalore
14 years ago

hi Renin,

thanks for the explanation...

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