Theme for my wordpress blog

Anurag Yelkur
Anurag Yelkur
from Delhi
14 years ago

So, here I am, not exactly new to the world of blogging, but am not a blog guru either. I got my blog reviewed recently at Indiblogger (courtesy Mr. Sachin Arya). He pointed that the theme of the blog was in a way good and bad for my blog. 

You may check out the theme here:

I too shared the same opinion about the theme, but decided to leave it, as a bit of nostalgia is attached with it, and also it ain't that bad a theme. Went through the other wordpress themes, and none of them impressed me. So decided to leave the current theme as it is.

What I like about this theme: Its charming, its cool, its sexy. And there's the option to surf between categories by creating a menu like thingy on the top.

What I don't like about this theme: Reading text from the blog entries is a little difficult, which is perhaps the essence of blogging.


So here's my question - Do I change it, if yes, then to what? Are you people having trouble reading the blog? 


What I am exactly looking for: Quality feedback and absolutely brute honest opinions from the readers of the blog about the theme,

What I am NOT looking for: Comments like "the theme rocks/sux"


Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Bangalore
14 years ago

1 Choice of font color and background doesn't go too well for a pleasant reading

2 Sidebar widget headers have the same font color as that of widget body... looks monotonous

3 Other than that, I haven't got much time to dig into your content... May be I will do it when i get more time to dig through.

Anurag Yelkur
Anurag Yelkur
from Delhi
14 years ago

Well, thanks to the suggestions of Sachin Arya and Mohan, I have now changed my theme.

Any feedback on the new theme???

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Let me go through :)

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