IS a custom domain affordable??

Witty Jester
Witty Jester
from Pune
14 years ago

Well i have wanted to ask this for some time now,this question is aimed at all the bloggers who own a custom domain,as to what is the yearly expenditure of owning and maintaing a custom domain for a blog,and where do we host them ?????

Replies 1 to 8 of 8 Descending
Witty Jester
Witty Jester
from Pune
14 years ago

really appreaciate the reply,but why is the .in domain costlier,and can you tell me the place where i can register my site at the cost you mentioned,because the last time i enquired it was around $13 for a .com domain

from Chennai
14 years ago

I see you have a blogspot blog. You can easily buy a domain through your blogspot dashboard (under publishing tab). It costs around 10$ per year.

Susam Pal
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Witty, is one hosting service provider that a few friends of mine along with me have been using. I guess, we are quite satisfied with the service. Many country based domains are costlier than .com, .net, etc. domains depending on the taxes, regulations, etc. decided by the government.

from Bangalore
14 years ago

If you go for web hosting annual plans, they offer you free domain. If you already have one, they renew it for you *free* of cost. However, if you want to just buy a domain, it costs around $10 as moulee has pointed out which you can associate with your blogspot account.

from Thiruvananthapuram
14 years ago

Hey susam, moulee and mohan. Thanks for making these things clear in simple language. But how can I get a custom domain registered apart from using the blogspot dashboard? Are there any advantages in using the blogspot for getting custom domain?

from Bangalore
14 years ago

not really... go with godaddy to register your domains, it is cost effective as well as you can point your domain from godaddy to blogspot through a DNS entry!

from Chennai
14 years ago

If i am not wrong, blogspot dashboard too takes you to godaddy. If you buy it through blogspot dashboard the domain settings are automatically configured to point to your blog. As mohan mentioned, you can also buy domains individually, but you have to manually point the DNS settings to point to your blogspot blog.

from Bangalore
14 years ago

I haven't used blogger, so I don't know about that feature of redirecting to godaddy for domains registration.

Muralidhar Duvvuri
from Visakhapatnam
14 years ago

I bought my domain first through blogger from godaddy.

And then I decided to shift from blogger to wordpress, and so, started self-hosting. I got hosting from godaddy and then pointed this domain to that hosting.

So, I guess however/wherever you buy your domain or blog, you can always set up a blog, shouldn't be impossible! rather very easily possible :) 

Susam Pal
from Bangalore
14 years ago


I don't see any significant advantage. It might be a little easier to setup but I am not sure. I have registered my domain name separately. How to setup your custom domain to point to blogspot server is very well documented in the blogger web interface and you can see the instructions when you try to switch to a custom domain.

from Nagaland
14 years ago

If you are to host your own domain, why don't you go self hosted with Wordpress blogging platform.   webhost plan start with Rs 1595/. This is an ideal plan for beginner.

Susam Pal
from Bangalore
14 years ago

If one is registering only a domain, he can save money by not going for his own wordpress blogging platform hosted on a shared hosting server provided by the hosting service provider. Instead, he can simply host the blog on free blogging service like and edit the DNS settings for his domain to make his domain point to blogger servers.

Witty Jester
Witty Jester
from Pune
14 years ago

Appreciate the what is the advantage of hosting the site on these paid servers rather than the free blogspot server????

Susam Pal
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Witty, the ability to customize the blog is a big advantage of hosting the blog on your own space you have bought from a hosting service provider. If you are using Wordpress on a paid server, you can customize your Wordpress as you wish. You can add scripts, ads, modify the CSS, layout, etc. You can even hack Wordpress to add new features or make it do new things. If you want to do these things in the free service provided by, you will have to pay. Most bloggers consider wordpress to be a better blogging platform than anything else.

However, blogspot allows you to customize the CSS, edit the layout, add scripts, add ads, etc. for free. So, I have chosen blogspot even though it is not be considered the best blogging platform by most people. It suits me because I didn't want to host my blog on my own. I wanted it to be completely taken care of by some free service. But at the same time I wanted some flexibility of customizing the look and feel of the blog. Blogspot seemed like a good choice.

Witty Jester
Witty Jester
from Pune
14 years ago

hey i thnk wordpress does not allow ads

from Chennai
14 years ago does not allow ads, you can have ads in your self hosted wordpress blogs.

from Chennai
14 years ago

@ Nishant, You cannot use the same domain name for all the three blogs, but you can create subdomains and can use them on the other blogs. For example if you buy a domain called, you can create a subdomain called and so on for each blog.

Nishant Singh
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Hmm ya that is what I wanted to know! Thanks :D...Will check it out. It seems complicated though!!

Prasad Np
Prasad Np
from Delhi / Gurgaon
11 years ago

I thought I will revive this thread... i am in process of moving to my  own domain hosted on  blogger itself, purchased through godaddy... what all I need to do to ensure


1. My followers on google, network blog and email continue to get the same

2. The like on FB page are not lost

3. What impact will it have on indirank

4. Do I need to resubmit it to blog directories?

Thanks a lot.

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