Can you review my blog?

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hi Folks, its a year for me now on Indiblogger and its been an awesome journey so far.! So much of learnings and It did change the way I blog/write! Thank you people..!

Also, I have made some modification on muy blog too; If you guys are free, do check the same and let me know your reviews and comments! - 

( I know, I'm Shamelessly asking for reviews ;) he he..! )

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Sure Samir.. Looks like there was some issue posting this..! Thats why, pulled it off. (May be, because it was reviewed a year ago).

from Bangalore
14 years ago

Thanks a lot Guys. I have fixed the site-width issue. Found a easy way of reducing image size for display. (however, if someone saves the image onto thier machine, they will get the full size pic).  This has reduced the content area length.

Do check and lemme know, how this loooks :) -

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