Using Drupal for my personal site

Venu Vedam
Venu Vedam
from Hyderabad
15 years ago

Hi All,

I am thinking of having a personal site - where I can place all my articles/stories/reviews etc - properly modularized. (For instance, click on stories to read all my stories... or reviews to read all my movie reviews etc.)

I will also be placing media content on this site and eventually hosting a weekly podcast on Technology For India.

Well, all these are just plans at the moment. What is the best CMS to power this site? I have downloaded and deployed Drupal 6.9. It does look promising but I feel like a fish out of water. Are there any good books to get started with Drupal? Moreover, is it what I should be using? Or should I just get wordpress installed?

Please suggest.

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I would suggest WordPress. Drupal is powerful but so boring ;) With the right template WordPress can do what you are looking for...


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