Get paid 5-10 dollars per blog post from
Hey people, I came across this offer from - anyone interested in applying?
This is for bloggers with expertise in Technology, Politics, Movies & Finance.
Thanks for the info renie. its a nice opportunity for every blogger. i will write to them
Thanks for the information. Will surely try to make full use of this opportunity
The domain suggest its an Indian site. I expect the admins to be located in Inda. But still they pay in $ for writing blog !!!
I did whois on domain, but couldnt find any registrant name of this domain.
I too voice my concern over the authenticity of the site. I hope renie with all his expertise can dig into the matter. If you find the site to be malicious, kindly remove this post.
Hey guys, I don't think the site is malicious - I've been talking to the owners and they're quite serious about what they do! I've also clarified that this is not another paid post scheme, they're looking for columnists who can write quality stuff. I guess the site is backed from the US, but they have a support team in India.
Thats great Renie.
Another thing I noticed was they say "Join the family of 147,450 Indian bloggers. It's free"
Are there seriously these many bloggers in-line for earning !!!
Those are simply bloggers who signed up for their platform (it's similair to The quality of those blogs is for anyone to decide!
Nope, haven't tried it... Any free time I have, I need to write on the forum!
Thats cool for lot of guys out here.
Anyone tried it?
Thanks man !
Visit my blog: seems to be fishy to me...
Hi All,
here's another site that is currently paying for published posts :
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