5 Common Mistakes To Avoid If You Want To Become A Successful Blogger

Kamal Hasa
Kamal Hasa
from Bangalore
14 years ago

The concept of Blogging has evolved from being a Platform for expressing yourself to a form of Business. Professional bloggers are everywhere on the Internet sharing their knowledge and earning Great money through Advertisements and other methods.If you are a person who is New into Blogging and need help to become a professional and successful blogger then NPXP is the right place to get tips. I will detail out The Top 5 Mistakes a Blogger Does that restricts from being a successful blogger:

  • Expectation:

Expecting too much in a short time is not desirable. A blog generally takes a minimum of 3-5 months before it is marginally successful. So do not give up and put in a lot of efforts to popularize your blog. Promote the blog constantly because it needs a lot of visitors before it is famous.

  • Blogging:

Keep a close eye on the topics which are popular and has received a good response. Start blogging similar topics, this should increase the demand for your blog since you are blogging what people want. Blogging is a form of expression so keep it like a conversation than a boring article.

  • Post Title:

It is a human tendency to read the title first before the Blog Content. So have you put in that extra magic into your Article titles lately? If not, then this is the right time to think about create Titles in an attractive manner which interests your blog readers.

  • Advertisements:

Until and unless your blog is receiving a lot of visitors do not use advertisements. Too much desperation can prove fatal to your blog. Place advertisements smartly and keep your blog readers in the mind while you do that. You do not want to spoil their reading experience. Obtrusive ads results in huge bounce rate. Do not try to manipulate the blog content and the advertisement. People dislike such tricks and will never come back to your blog again.

  • Linking:

I know you love not to give away the Link Juice to other blogs but Google will keep an eye on you if you don’t. If you feel that a link from another blog which you are referring to deserves to be mentioned then go ahead and link it. Google puts a lot of prominence on Outgoing links as much as it does on the Incoming links. So Link wisely when required and do not hesitate to give some credit to other blogs which has helped you.You can check out this video of the Success story of Amit Agarwal of Labnol.org. You can also read this article which helps you Succeed in Blogging easily. Hope You liked this post ;)


This is a post from my blog NPXP. I ain't self promoting but just giving credit to the actual source. Hope that people don't get confused with the originality of this content ;)

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: html crap
Replies 1 to 3 of 3 Descending
Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Nice points! I never knew that one could embed an image into a forum topic on IndiBlogger. Did you use BB code?

Kamal Hasa
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Just the normal html code for img's.  ;)


Thanks for your reply Magali..



Thanks! didn't know that about the links.



Sanjay Vedula
Sanjay Vedula
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

Those are nice points dude! Good work.


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