ple give tips and ,procedure,precaustions while registering domain name

from india
15 years ago


ple give tips and tricks ,procedure,precaustions while registering domain name ,i am thinking to register domain name ,so how should i begin ,what precautions i should take



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from india
15 years ago


yes ty anwin and bin,purpose is to just start my own blog site i wanted to shift my blogs from blogger to my own site. yes i thought about and start with them but before that i should first gather all information and compare with others as i am not webmasteror webdesigner.

other reason is that i am not earning anything from google so i thought its better maintain site without ads and improve my alexa ranking for my own blog site domain name  i am sure if i do it more work i can generate more and more traffic for my site.

ty binarday for you help , what about domain names  .info or .cc as they are very cheap compare to others, about popularity i agree ,can i do it  only with com or its better register both com and in as you said i understand if my .in is popular others can claim .com so its better first hand purchase both does there are any other benefits also.

you can check my blog, so you can suggest me more,





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