review request and bloggers' collective identity

Cryptic Clues
Cryptic Clues
from Gujarat
14 years ago

Hi, I have been writing a blog Musings from the Margins for a little less than a year. Broadly the blog explores issues of power, work, culture and politics. I started writing it to ensure records and random musings which do not find expression in my other writing of articles, reports and such.

I am keen on getting general reader feedback: not necessarily on the presentation, but more specifically on the content. Any feedback is welcome on the content, and such...


Also, I have joined this site: broadly to understand issues of power and access and the generation of public opinion through blogs and social networks. Does it operate within a broad category of elite individuals, are vernacular blogs as popular as english blogs? And also to understand, that while blogs are individuated entries, do we have a collective identity as bloggers? Should we try and define it? Does the identity carry a set of rights and responsibilities?

Are there a fundamental set of values that we should ascribe to?

Comments, responses all cuss words! no malice please! 

Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
14 years ago

Cryptic! I'll start by saying that I've not done justice to your writing by spending enough time on your blog. My thoughts anyway, for whatever they are worth:

  • I think you have solid potential, and yours is the kind of blog which inspired us to start IndiBlogger. To quote ourselves - "there are loads of great blogs our there and no one knows they exist". Yout style of writing is great and it engages the reader. And, you've chosen the right badge!
  • You've said that your blog "explores issues of power, work, culture and politics" - but is that same description portrayed on your blog? I feel your readers need to know that your blog is focussed on a theme - that will keep your target audience coming back.
  • I feel that a few non-generic, content-related pictures will add depth to your posts. I know it takes time to find the right one, but it's worth it!
  • Your theme is a bit too personal and generic for my liking. This advice does not apply to everyone - I only say this to you because I feel it does not do justice to your content. It may be worthwhile to get a professsional designer to make a theme that is, well, "themed" for your blog. Your blog deserves a brand identity!

As far as creating a collective identity for Indian bloggers, and a set of values - please do create a seperate topic devoted on the same, and we'll support (and applaud) the cause. Smile

Cryptic Clues
Cryptic Clues
from Gujarat
14 years ago

Thanks Renie, the response put a large smile on my otherwise grumpy face! Will take due action in time, once I have control over time and travel. Be that as it may, with regard to the collective identity of Indian bloggers, will think and post, and hope to make something more meaningful off the discussion.


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