Anyone can write . . .

from Chennai
15 years ago

“Anyone can cook” says master chef Gusteau in the movie Ratatouille. What he means is anyone can become a cook. A good cook can come from anywhere. All that you need is passion to cook. Writing is no different. In fact, writing is not so difficult and demanding as cooking. I’ve never tried cooking. As a law-abiding person, I don’t think I’d ever do. But I write. With the growth of internet, everyone is a writer. See, I’m a writer. If you own a blog and start writing about random stuff you are a writer too.

I hear people saying “I don’t have time”. I’d say you don’t need time. All it takes for a decent post is 20 mins. That’s because, you don’t think as you write. Think of a writable topic and keep thinking about what you can write and start organising your thoughts mentally. All this you can do when you’re driving or walking. How long you want to mentally construct the post is up to you. After you’re done with you thought process, when you sit down to write/type, it’s not going to take you more than 20 minutes.

And then, one can say “I’m technically challenged”. See, I know nothing about my car. I can drive it. I simply don’t understand how it works and I don’t think I need to know that. I never understood how electricity works but that never stopped me consuming power that makes people if its a factory over here. Just simply use it. Setting up a blog takes a few minutes. And then it’s just you and your blog. You write and publish. And you keep doing it. There is no need for any special knowledge.

“I don’t think I’m a good writer”. I’m confident that I’m a good writer (you might have a different opinion). I wasn’t able to say this a year back. I own another blog too where I have written about 700 posts. Like other things, writing improves with practice. It’s not like I write something and about 100 million people read and say ‘you’re such a loser’. The fact is, when you start writing you’ll have a very small audience and readership grows with time. It’s ok, if we write poorly. Everybody can talk but does everyone talk well? It’s an art, isn’t it? It can improve with time.

Write about what? All that you need as a writer is some ideas/concepts/topics to write about. To be honest, in a blog like this, I can write about anything. Let me take my eyes off my laptop. What do I see? I see my television. I can write about television, its impact, the programmes I love etc. I turn my head I look at my sofa. I can write about furniture. How we never had any furniture at home once and accumulated all this now. I turn to my right, I see my balcony. If a balcony cannot inspire you to write, what will? It’s not at all difficult to write especially if you don’t restrict yourself to a shell.

What if I write? Writing is fun. It truly is. You need to experience it to feel it. You’re the creator. It makes you more confident, it can make you think better, it can get you good friends, it can get you money or even a career, if you so wish.




Replies 1 to 12 of 12 Descending
from chennai
15 years ago

Interesting topic, its quite an encouraging words for amateur bloggers like me. 20 mins though is an understatement. 700 post is fantabulous. Do let me know you thought about my blogging

World as i see it

from Chennai
15 years ago


I checked our blog. You have a good blog.


1. The theme of the blog is the villain I must say. May not impress the casual reader.If you're passionate about blogging, get yourself a domainname. That way you get a lot of freedom with themes.

2. You need to write more often. When I check other blogs, the first thing I look at is, how often it is updated. It shows how serious you are about the blog.

3. I'd still say 20 mins is just right because posts can be small. Why do we think that a post needs to be about 2000 words split in 6 paragraphs? You can have a post with just a one or two paragraphs or just a few lines too. It's should be long enough to capture your idea, opinion or to trigger a conversation. Sometimes I write longer posts. Mostly I don't mind writing shorter posts.


vjkrishna (

from Mumbai
15 years ago


want your comment and and thought about my blog... can u plzz




from chennai
15 years ago

Thanks for the visit and for your suggestion. Well i had a theme before, which i changed later after lot of suggestions. Domain name is not in my capacity as of now. Frequency is another problem, my case is pretty different, i have all the time in the world to write, i sit before the system for a long time. But still the impetus to write doesn't happen, just as soon as i think about the topic. Half of the post will shape up in my thoughts before it gets reflected here. But will keep your ideas in my mind for future reference.

Hashir Tufail
Hashir Tufail
from Unnao, Bangalore
15 years ago


nice topic. I agree with you whole heartedly - that all it takes for a post is 20-30 minutes max, but sometimes ideas come to you when you can not write, and by the time you can - you forget all about it. Atleast, this has happened to me lots of times.

Please go through my blog when you have time.



from karkala
15 years ago

I too belive that anyone can do write!of course the basic criteria is to be literate(look at the sample of my bad humor..Wink)

now the only strategy i follow is that i dont care so much about the grammar,becuse the grammar is a meaningless peice of thing if the content is itself meaningless.but then comes a twist in the tale!when anybody can write it should as well mean that anybody can write anything and hence this thus implies that anybody's any writing is NEVER once you have writtne something that is seemingly MEANINGLESS dont for heavensake scrap it!!!i am there,or i may like may hate it..all that one man's dream is anothers.....that idea!!i Am no VETERAN as VijayaKrishna is..(of course i have made only 2 digit you can call me a child in theblogosphere afterall... :)  )but based on my personal experince(whic is of course very meagre)i can say that i dont delet many words..watevr comes i type this makes my story or whatevr the post is not so suiting to the international standards..but then ,i am here to celebrate freedom of speech..and i think we should hardly care about others' try to please evryone..and end up by pleasing none..

-love and light


from Mumbai
15 years ago

You have expressed the philosophy of blogging so beautifully!!! Whaddaheck you have just explained the philosophy for doing...anything for that matter, I say this because to do anything in your singular life, the only thing that you need to start it with is 'passion', thats the most essential ingredient.

After reading your views, I must say-to me you are the Man On The Mountain...The light... The Gyaani....ok maybe thats enough buttering for a day

But seriously, I would be privileged if you could come buy and browse thru my blog

from Chennai
15 years ago

Thanks Arjuna!

You have a nice blog. The theme can be better. Your theme may not encourage repetitive visitors. Think about it.


Rahul S. Nair
Rahul S. Nair
from London
15 years ago

Hi Vijay,

That was a pretty good inspiration , what you wrote..

In fact I have been trying my level best to come up with new ideas and write at my best..

Do check out my blog when you have time.. Your feedback on how to improve my writing would do great ...


thanks a lot...

from Chennai
15 years ago

Hi Rahul

I like the way you write. You know, I'm a bit particular about the look and feel. I think style and substance must be in equal proportions. I'm not a fan of white background themes. It looks like writing on the wall. That's my view.

A good theme is very very important if you want visitors other than your friends and relatives. The neutral, unknown visitors value the theme more than your friends.

I do write on blogging and writing in my blog - - you may want to check that :-)



Rahul S. Nair
Rahul S. Nair
from London
15 years ago

Hi Vijay,

thanks a lot for the feedback. I kept the colour simple so that nobody feels that there is too much in the blog to take in at a time.

You blog template is really good.

Rahul Anand
Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

@ Vijay

I totally loved the way u've organized u'r blog template! black n white..all so perfect!

And the favicon is cool as well. Probably U designed it ryt.

from Chennai
15 years ago
Thanks all. I'm posting about 4-5 posts every week. The readership increase is a bit slow. But that's allright. That's how my previous blog was originally.

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