Error message for Indirank . what does it mean????

Thauseef Ahmed
Thauseef Ahmed
from Chennai
14 years ago
  • There was a problem detecting your feed. When you access your blog using Firefox, click on the rss feed icon in your address bar. Do you see a valid feed? If you need help, do ask around at the forum.
  • You have a Google Pagerank 2. Try to get more relevant links to your blog and keep blogging!
  • You have a good Alexa rank.
  • There may be a problem with the dates on your feed, if not you should blog more often!
  • There may be a problem with the dates on your feed, if not you need to update your blog!
  • You don't have an IndiRank. Is there a problem with your feed?
Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Descending
Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

When (what date) has your blog got approved by IndiBlogger?

Thauseef Ahmed
Thauseef Ahmed
from Chennai
14 years ago

i think abt a month ago.... how do i find out. i m still new here.

Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I don't think there's a way to find out... so your blog must have been approved when the last IndiRank update went through two days ago. o to Firefox, & click the feed icon in the address bar. does your feed seem okay?

Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

I meant Go to Firefox

Thauseef Ahmed
Thauseef Ahmed
from Chennai
14 years ago

yes. it works!

Thauseef Ahmed
Thauseef Ahmed
from Chennai
14 years ago

I tried it, and there is an rss feed which i am able to subscribe to, in my firefox browser. so that shouldn't be the problem i guess

Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Umm, then I'm sorry to say, I really don't know.Frown IndiBlogger team, are you listening?

Thauseef Ahmed
Thauseef Ahmed
from Chennai
14 years ago

Looks like they aren't. And looks like I am going to be without an Indirank for ever. I even changed my blogger template to one that displays the date. Looks like a failed effort though.



Does anybody else have any idea about this?

from Calicut
14 years ago

Have a similiar problem, Indiblogger doesn't seem to recogonise my feeds either my feedburner widget is working just fine at my blog...According to indirank my last post was somewhere in jan..though there were post in feb. and march as well...

Thauseef Ahmed
Thauseef Ahmed
from Chennai
14 years ago

how do i contact them? sorry i m still lost here.

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