The BLOG RING is ready

from Mysore
15 years ago

All those who had shown interest in the Blog Ring, here is a good news.

A ring  RING A RING A ROSES  is ready with a basic theme "Best of Mine". If any one thought that he/she  had posted a wonderful article which deserves attention time and again, may use it as a door to  his /her  Blog.

The URL is 

After viewing your comments and modifications -if required- it will be activated.  Till then you may not see the  list of  bloggers enlisted. However you may register if you wish to join the Ring.

More themes can be introduced if the response is good.

Happy Blogging Smile

Replies 1 to 12 of 12 Descending
Yogeshwar Kmar
Yogeshwar Kmar
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Hi Kabeer,

Good initiative.

When registering my post, it requires a siteID. What should I give?

from Mysore
15 years ago

Use a short title of your post as site Id. For my Post at  

I had used "sbietax " for the post which mainly talks about State Bank of India's e-Tax.

Dont worry about remembering your site id. It is always shown in your navigation panel when you move the mouse over the links. try it at my site

Amit Surana
Amit Surana
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Done !!!

from Mysore
15 years ago


A log-in provision has been made on the Home Page .

send your comments for any changes if required.

Where are Dinesh and Amitabh ?


Amitabh Mukherjee
Amitabh Mukherjee
from Bangalore
15 years ago


Registered. Didn't have the patience to wait for te e-mail to arrive. So I took the code and pasted it right away. I had to adjust the width.

Is there anything else we need to do? Except waiting patiently for site id to become active, that is?

@Kabeer, Please check if it is done right. I have a feeling that you wanted a post to be submitted not the entire blog.

from Mysore
15 years ago

Yes Amitabh, I wish you submit a post which you consider 'best written' however old it may be.

The idea is that it acts a good introduction to the blog and the author. However if you happen to write a better one later, you can change the post also. This is explained in the Home page of theRing Smile

Rahul Anand
Rahul Anand
from Thalassery
15 years ago

I registered too.


Am I supposed to add it underneath a post or in the sidebar. If it's in the sidebar  I should seriously do something about the width!Undecided

from Mysore
15 years ago

Thanks et !

Please change the URL to one specific post which you consider as your Best. Reasons are explained in the Home page

You can then paste the code below the post.  The width is kept bigger so that it may not fit in the sidebar Wink

Amitabh Mukherjee
Amitabh Mukherjee
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Ok Kabeer. Done. I have now submitted a post instead of the whole blog. Please check and tell me if I have done it right.

Just so that you know the post that I have selected is

from Mysore
15 years ago

Fine !! Approved.

you may reduce the height by placing the cursor below the figure and use Back-button.

Hashir Tufail
Hashir Tufail
from Unnao, Bangalore
15 years ago


Got my post registered, andd added the widget. However, I had to alter the width and the font sizes to get it displayed. Hope you do not mind.

from Mysore
15 years ago

Thanks Hashir,

By hindsight I also feel it is better to fix the panel on the side bar . It will anyway  guide the visitor to a Best post of another blogger and that will serve the purpose.

It is desirable if all of us use an identical panel and I am working on a vertical format to suit all " side bars".  I shall make it available as soon as possible . later you replace the present one with a new badge.

Thanks for your interest.

from Mysore
15 years ago

To All those who have registered !

A modified Navigation panel is placed on the side bar of my web page

Please check whether it suits your blog. It is more compact and fits easily in the sidebar.

I am now convinced that there is NO NEED to paste the code below the post. It may be placed in the side bar. It will not affect the function of the Ring.

As long as your entry URL refers to your best post it is fine.

Hashir Tufail
Hashir Tufail
from Unnao, Bangalore
15 years ago


Thanks for providing the code for the new panel. I have updated my blog with it. Do have a look

Pankaj Upadhyay
Pankaj Upadhyay
from Bombay
15 years ago

Hi Bhai Log

I have used the ring in my blog also

This blog ring thing does not excite me because we are showing ALT-WEB Ring's logo and then clicking on 'list' a reader will be redirected to the blog rings. Instead of this, we should display blog ring directly in our site. I am not very sure how we can achieve this but that would be great.

Another idea could be merging each other's feed with one feed and share that feed with all. I found this concept on net and we can use yahoo pipes for the same.

Kindly let me know your thoughts.



from Mysore
15 years ago

Dear Pankaj,

The problem was, you didnot wait for approval of your blog in to the Ring. Now that it has been approved you can roam around. Smile

The logo shown is not that of 'alt-webring' site but that of the blog-ring called  "RingA RingA Roses".

Now you will see your panel working properly after approval

Interesting initiativeCool

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