I am not able to post new post on IndiVine
I tried to submit a new post on IndiVine and can not see my post. But I can see it on the rss feed there at IndiVine. I also can not see any now post option there for me at IndiVine. I saw a option called my posts but no option for new post.
Please let me know what is the correct steps to post a new post at IndiVine.
Hey Lipika, is this the one you're talking about?
You can submit new posts here:
If you're havig difficulty accessing the new post page, try logging out and signing back in again...
Thanks a lot. Now it works for me.
I faced the same problem too a few weeks back on Indivine. Im facing the same problem on the forum now. I want to create a new topic but its not coming on the fourm. I wrote to indi support but still awaiting a reply
Guys, looks like this was a strange bug in our system which we have now rectified. No fault of yours, purely an issue at our end. Sorry for the trouble!
All your posts on the forum and on IndiVine should now be visible.