Lure of coming abroad..
Whats the lure of coming abroad. What all will a person do to come abroad, HAve you enquired if its feasible to come.. what will you do.. how will you survive..
Hi Bikram,
I have a blog all about our move from India to Canada.
To answer your first question based on the many emails and letters I receive everyday:
What is the lure of coming abroad: Money, better life for kids, better standard of living, living in a first world country rather than the third world, better jobs, better life security and the hope that life will be good after moving.
What will a person do to come abroad? Sell everything they own, move without making proper inquiries. For many, just the thought of going abroad is enough to make them do anything.
For more on this, please take a look at my blog.
Thanks and regards,
Also read this article
It's an interesting debate. More and more Indians are looking at opportunities overseas. Ironic then, that a number of NRIs in the west are increasingly interested in the prospect of emigrating back to India for retirement. I guess both groups could be accused of a being a little naive and misguided.