Here is how u can promote your blog on StumbleUpon
Register by clicking on the link below to Stumble Exchange
Could you provide more info on how this works? I just tried and the site appears to be down.
I found a very good link for this..Please check here.
Thanks Sachin. I just browsed through the link you provided and will read it in more detail when time permits. It is definitely very informative and provides all what beginners would want to know about StumbleUpon. Thank you!
Anyone interested in quid-pro-quo style promotion on StumbleUpon. I will give thumbs up to ur blog if u give the same to mine. Quid-Pro-Quo
Expecting lots of responses here. Here is the link to my blog.
@Sandy just gave the thumbs up to yr blog is
I accept ur concern. But I really doubt that algorithms being capable to do so what u r claiming. At the end of the day, content is the king. In case, a blog's content is not upto the mark, people wud vote it out. Such an exchange can only ensure an initial push. There is no long term guarantee.
Moreover, I cannot think of a better way to promote the blog. If you don't get credit and traffic for your work on ur blog, whats the point in blogging.
@Sandy binary is correct. Google is moving to get rid of all mutual exchanges. Not sure whether it is in yet. The move is to get rid of bogroll as a factor in page ranking. By the way, it is not that difficult to figure out mutual admiration societies.
There are many other ways to get traffic. Binary blogs a lot about this. So have some others on ths forum. You may also check out (sorry could not resist plugging for my blog - this by the way of another way of gettig traffic )
Guys!!Stumble upon exchange is not a spam and moreover,it is a total manual process which makes it legit.You have to manually visit each link and only after confirmation,you are awarded points for visiting and vice versa.
Though it may not get you lot of traffic initially but if you are up with stumble,it can help.i have had spikes on my blog from stumble upon which resulted in a rush of traffic amounting to more than 100 a day.the traffic may not last long but it is evry bit worth.
I recently did a post with the detailed explainations,
Guys, is there any specific way to submit my blog to stumpleupon??? I downloaded the tool bar but havent yet figured out how to submit my blog on it.
Tried stumblexchange but am too lethargically dumb to iunderstand it. Any simpler way? My blog URL is
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