How did you choose your blog/website name?
Name of the blog is something which is sure to set first impression about a blog.
All of us have some reasons behind the name which we chose.
Sometimes the title matches exactly with the blog content. Sometimes it is just the username.
Many of the bloggers did not get the username which they want because it will be already taken.
Can the bloggers share
1. Your blog name (ex. yourblogname.
2. The reason behind the selection of the blog name
3. Did you get the blog name which you desired to have?
4. Have you ever changed the blog name and why?
5. Have you ever felt like it is not the right name for the blog?
Interesting answers are sure to provoke many a blogger minds to chose better or rather suitable blogging names in future.
My blog name is Psyche's Visage -
It's a hard name to remember or pronounce. I don't remember what made me name my blog so, but yes, I didn't have to think twice to go ahead with this name.
Psyche means the innermost self or mind. And, I wanted my blog to be the face of my personality and my thoughts. Hence the name Psyche's Visage.
Although I know that having a complex blog name is a deterrant in many ways (one thing is, the easy your name is the easier it is to remember). But the stubborn side of me doesn't let me change the name.
1. Your blog name (ex. yourblogname.
2. The reason behind the selection of the blog name
My Blog covers topics related to Indian Spirituality. It covers lives of Great saints of Indian Origin, Inspirational Quotes, prayers, meditation, yoga, spiritual q and a, spiritual wallpapers (not of great quality - developed by me) and has daily spiritual quotes by 4 gr8 masters. Occationaly I blog on hinduism.
I think Spirituality covers all these topics, Hence the name Indiaspirituality3. Did you get the blog name which you desired to have?
I was trying for Indianspirituality, but It was not avaiable, so i went for Indiaspirituality. There were some other names which i considered, which i think would be helpful to other spiritual bloggers:
mudfish: It lives in muddy water, but no mud sticks to It. i.e. to live in samsara without being attached to it. (taken from Sri Ramakrishna Jivan Charitra)
white lotus: Lotus is born in thick Mud (kichhad) but still, no trace mud is on its petals. White stands for Purity.
Golden Lotus: Gold in esoteric terminology stands for materialization. Every Yoga school teaches one to develop a golden body i.e. body with golden aura. Gold is a spiritual energy which is only found in the aura of advanced yogis.
Honeybee: Honey bee only sit on beautiful flowers with fragrance and extracts nectar. So it has the habit of extracting essence. Another bees sit on rotten flesh, in gutter and also on flowers. Attracted by the divine fragrance of God and Guru, a person sits patiently, fully absorbed and concentrated (like honey bee) in front of a Guru and extracts his essential teachings (nectar/honey).
4. Have you ever changed the blog name and why?
No. No Need5. Have you ever felt like it is not the right name for the blog?
1. My blog URL ( ) Name The Addy Brainwave2. The reason behind the selection of the blog name: Why? I made this blog long before I even wrote a post. Everyone had a "blog", everyone was "blogging". So I tried to explore this world of blogging and created my blog. That time had nothing in mind so just randomly named it addyrocks! It was just experimental initially.
then one fine day, I had a "Brainwave" that I should "Write" so I woke up reached my keyboard and typed "The Addy Brainwave" as the title! URL same as before. Cause Addy still rocks 3. Did you get the blog name which you desired to have? I don't know if I desired this, but I guess my brainwave like it! *What say buddy? you like it?* Yeah he says he loves it. 4. Have you ever changed the blog name and why? My brainwave won't let me I suppose, but why change it? He is happy with it! 5. Have you ever felt like it is not the right name for the blog? NO!!! My brainwave would have me put to death if I ever has such though cross my......well....umm.....brainwave!
1. My blog name is "Sugarfree".
2. The reason behind the selection of the blog name?
In this blog i share my thought and views on things around me and some old memories & stories. I want to share all good and sweet things here but with no nonsense intention. so i felt Sugarfree will be the best name. As the Sugarfree gives sweetness, minus the disadvantages of sugar.
3. Did you get the blog name which you desired to have?
4. Have you ever changed the blog name and why?
----never changed
5. Have you ever felt like it is not the right name for the blog?
The choice of the URL is explained in my Blogger profile. Aldebaran is the 14th brightest star visible in the night sky. The word for the star in Sabskrit is my real name. :)
Ah, I'm interested in butterflies & I suppose it was a take off on the "Motorcycle Diaries"
1. Your blog name (ex. yourblogname.
Blog Name:
Sporting thoughts and otherwise....
2. The reason behind the selection of the blog name
The blog name? It's a rather generalistic name, I guess. It pretty much tells you what the blog contains - Thoughts on sports, and related stuff...
The URL came about when a friend (and fellow sports enthusiast) suggested that rather than spam their mailboxes with 'sporting thoughts', why don't I keep a blog?
3. Did you get the blog name which you desired to have?
4. Have you ever changed the blog name and why?
5. Have you ever felt like it is not the right name for the blog?
My blog name is "Destroyed-in-love"
well before I answer question 1,2 and 3 let me answer 4 & 5 -
At first U had my blog name as "the phoenix dairies" even the blog url was the same, but then it was not so popular as people confused with the spelling and there were other blogs with the name. So I had to change it so that my readers and friends could easily remember the name and most importantly, when someone looks at the blog name they would want to read it..
so as a marketing strategy I changed my blog name to "Destroyed in love".
People were curious and so they read my blog post.. at first i wrote few posts related to love ..
but then i made a good mix of stories and i wrote all trypes of short stories..
hence the name...
And yeah i got the name as i had desired. Lucky me!
2. The reason behind the selection of the blog name: there was no reason behind the name, it was simply my first expression on thinking about starting a blog!! The title of my blog is Unaccustomed Earth, as I could relate to the adjective used to describe earth.. to explain it furthur is my title description .."Silent yet expressive,Lost yet focused,Rigid yet adaptable,Irritated yet understanding,Tough yet loving.....just like the earth,just like me........"
3. Did you get the blog name which you desired to have? yup
4. Have you ever changed the blog name and why? no, never felt the need to
5. Have you ever felt like it is not the right name for the blog? no, it was my first proud expression!!
So ma blogz name is ssskb, it isnt sum complex code, infact it is quite childish and immature... Sneha Sitaram Sharma (SSS) ka (k) blog (b)
do visit it, its personal, offbeat, I blog about my views (although I knw not many would be interested in knowing what I have to say..but I would still request you to have a look)
Sneha Sharma
I choose the name of my blog on my own name. Ofcourse I like my name but that is not the only reason to choose that as the blog name.
Since it is a personalized site, expressing my own views and thoughts, so i could not think for anything better.
My blog's name is The Lifted Veil. Its named after a book by George Eliot who is one of my favorite authors.Though the book has little to do with my blog, the title practically says it all. After I write each post in my blog I feel sort of liberated. Most topics in my blog are things we don't talk always about with our family.
the URL is
Getting my URL name was not much of a is my name:
But yes, I changed my blog name thrice before I arrived at this one: Food For Thought...for all gourmet minds!
My intent was writing something that would initiate a chain of thoughts in my reader's minds. I wanted to have a decent reader base, hence for 'gourmet minds'!
You can check it out...and do drop comments if you can :)
The title of My Blog is : RagasOfGitam ...
GITAM is the name of the college I've studied in. I just wanted to put all my thoughts about the college and the incidents that happened in the college and also, I just wanted the name of the college to be in my URL because that's the place where I've got this idea of starting a blog.. and that's how the name GITAM in my blog.. GITAM also means song in telugu language.. and one song can be composed in thousands of varieties of RAGAS(tunes).. Hence, RagasOfGitam will be an apt name as it actually tells us the various things that happned in the same college..
Great logic. And yes we all have great memories of our college life.
Actually it's not a poetry journal...i used to write poetry..but now i'm moving to's more of a journey..the minstrel is in hibernation, whether it emerges or not eventually is something I'd have to see... :)
Hey speaking of names;
My url is
My name was "A Teenager's Perspective Of The World"
2. Wanted to keep the name straightforward and simple
3. Yes I did get the one I desired.
The 4th question is the part where I need your help and the help of all fellow Indibloggers.
My blog needs a new name, Please suggest one after reading my latest post on the same (Read it here)
Thank you
Blog name is, Social Phylogeny
A nation is characterised first and foremost by its traditions. Most of a nations traditions are derived from its history which includes value systems, religions and practices. The rest of a nations traditions are man - made, solely for political reasons, to (as they claim) unify the people of the nation and breed feelings of patriotism.Phylogeny refers to the evolutionary history of a group of organisms. In this case i am attempting to "blog" about the evolution of social values, norms and sentiments of us, as indians and global citizens, hence the phrase "Social Phylogeny".
hmm that was a new word and thanks for letting us to know its meaning clearly. Now its time to check out your blog to get some more gyan on evolutionary history !!!
When I started blogging, one thing I was very sure of was that I didnt want to name the blog after me.. I wanted the blog to have its own identity..
The name is chai-coffee, because all the posts in the blog are short but very opinionated - just like the chatter that goes on during tea/coffee breaks.. Each post can be read and commented on before you finish you cup :) I use the blog to rant on most things like.. current affairs issues, technology, politics, sports etc..
^^ Sorry, I got the link wrong above ^^
the Correct Link is:
I chose the name because it was what defined me. My blog would be an extension of my own identity so I thought it should be apt. It was the name that I wanted to have always and I don't ever want to change it. When I used to write poetry this title was the name of my Poetry journal and since the purpose of my blog is to rekindle the writing spirit in me, I couldn't have chosen a better name I think.
Hope you will regain minstrel in hibernation !!. So you have published a poetry journal - a serious writer then. Now trying to rekindle the old writing spirits, but your blog does not contain any poems now !!!
1. name:
2. reason: i really wanted to share information as the name suggests initially and had no other motive. but as i started moving along i started to put in my thoughts and opinions to the news.
3. yes, i got the blog name i desired.
4. no i have never changed the blog name
5. yes, i was always happy with the name.
i would like to add one more point to this questionnaire which i feel is very interesting and had wanted to share my experience.
the point is why we use blogspot or free blog space?
my answer to this is that there is no point going through the hassle of having your own domain name and pay for server space. because in blogging i have noticed that even if you are a good blogger, it is still not easy to get recognised. so always try out free before you break away and get your own domain name and pay for space.
thats was my two cents and thank you again for giving me the opportunity to put in my thoughts. by the way very interesting topic, it gives a good background about the blogger.
Your blog URL tells it all.
Your thoughts and opinions is what makes your blog special.
I don't think that owning a domain name is a hassle. Blogger - Lazy pineapple had posted about how simple it is to own a domain in this topic itself.
I have selected a blog name that best suits the theme of my writing.
Me being a public relations professional. I prefer blogging on topics that basically involves public relations at its core which is evident from my blog at
I was wondering what reputare means. But got a clear idea about it from the introduction itself. Liked your style of writing - Simple and conveys your point clearly.
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