How did you choose your blog/website name?
Name of the blog is something which is sure to set first impression about a blog.
All of us have some reasons behind the name which we chose.
Sometimes the title matches exactly with the blog content. Sometimes it is just the username.
Many of the bloggers did not get the username which they want because it will be already taken.
Can the bloggers share
1. Your blog name (ex. yourblogname.
2. The reason behind the selection of the blog name
3. Did you get the blog name which you desired to have?
4. Have you ever changed the blog name and why?
5. Have you ever felt like it is not the right name for the blog?
Interesting answers are sure to provoke many a blogger minds to chose better or rather suitable blogging names in future.
Mine is
I decided to post anonymously which gives me the freedom to express myself. I love garfield and its a secret blog that i am having. So..garfsecret.
Yes i got it at the first go. I won't be changing it ever. I never can feel that wouls say the name ain't correct. :-)
Being anonymous for freedom of expression !! Well quite interesting reply to start with.
No one might have guessed these as the reasons of your blogspot name.
I just read your blogspot name and thought for a moment what could be reason behind this choice before reading your reply. My guess was wrong since I though Garf was your name rather than the short form of garfield.
Interesting blog you got there, more a kind of your personal diary.
Now since you have replied, let me get some other details too...LOL
I realised last year when i used to have a public blog that there are things in my life which i am not fine letting everyone know. I am not an introvert but there were times when i was pissed at my friends and frustrated with what i had said/did and not everyone was a welcome there in. I found a blog which i have quoted below. The posts and the idea behind it inspired me to become anonymous. If you like, you can make a visit and its worth it. The blog is just awesome and i needed the freedom to write freely.....
Hi Garf. That blog is simply too good. The writing approach taken by the author makes the reader really inquisitive and make them all returning visitors.
Wonder how the blogger arrived at the blog name tovadarling. It sounds quite apt for the content too
I did this many years ago (8--9!), so my memory is foggy. I wrote down numerous names and started at them until what I wanted jumped out at me. The choices were (then) for a journal of a geek accurately cataloguing events in his life. (It has evolved somewhat since then!)
The choices included:
blogarhythm, infinitely void, free mind, infinitely inquisitive, wandering mind, actuality.log, static eccentric, dynamically static, harsh reality, event.log, unreality, curiously alone, some assembly required, comprehensive comprehension, built from source(s), need to know, uncharacteristically chatty, curioCity.
One of the best methods to find a suitable name is to write down the names which comes in ones mind and then finding the best one by reading them again and again.
Your indiblogger username is very meaningful, No wonder why you chose this method.
My blog name is
I normally write here what i want to speak out to the world. It may be abt my personal life or abt the happenings in the society. Simnply, its a boy next door outlook on the happenings around him.
That is a nice blog you have there !!
Well, i didnt have too much of a choice in choosing my blog address. everything i liked was already taken up, so i had to settle with as my name is Himanshu Shekhar.
But i had my way in the title of my blog, which is RAGE! It signifies my angst for the situation in which my nation is. I write everything concerning our policies to politics in my blog.
Many of us land in this problem. The URL will be already taken. But yes, we have control over the title of the blog.
I don't think the url ( needs to be the same as your blog name.
My blog url is
My blog name is Life etc.
Not sure if I ever plan on changing it, but at least not in the immediate future.
What you said is right. URL need not be same as your blog name. There will be some reason for chosing your URL. In your case the URL is magalic, which is simply your name and I assume 'c' is your initial.
Many people have different ways of arriving at a URL. I was just curious to know about the way the thinking goes and hence started this topic
Well, nice topic! Many have asked me this before and I have never replied!
My blog's URL is . Its name is 'sign9'. Why it is so? Well 'sign' is abbreviated from signature (meaning expression) and '9' is my favourite digit, it is the biggest single digit numeral and therefore represents power also! :)
Nice thinking Manik
to the optimist 9 means just one more to reach the perfect 10
to the pessimist 9 is one below the perfect 10
wow interesting and smart!!!!
my blog:
i got it at the first shot, then i wasn't so sure about it.. but now i just love it..
to me 'thoughtful' and 'random' show a little contradiction, i.e. me..
my posts are on any random topics i choose to write about. i don't follow any trend. still a lot of thought goes into it. i guess that's it..
and i don't want to change it anytime soon... maybe another blog with a different name in a couple of years, but this one's here to stay..
Thoughtfully laid out articles on random subjects !! It does match your blogs content.
My Blog:
I have been wanting a blog name that I identified with and experimented with a lot of names and finally one fine day I had the 'Eureka' moment (Yes, I was in the shower and no I did not run out).
I am addicted to coffee and like the game of chess because it is a strategy game where you are trying to out think your opponent. And since my posts can be on a variety of topics the name had to be generic and lastly it has to have easy recall value.
No one will think that ur topic evolved from a eureka moment coz it looks simple. But the way u have reasoned is good. :)
Do u really mean that in your blog also you are trying to out think your opponent?
In a way the blog is a place where I think aloud and come to conclusions. Some of those conclusions may be part of an analysis which looks at the underlying probabilities that are unspoken or are not highlighted. In that respect there is a attempt to out think events, circumstance and people.
I just visited your blog and what you told here is cent percent implemented there. Loved your intellectual blogging. Continue analysing and out thinking, for it will be really useful for many people looking for information (Slightly off topic - your blog on shares is quite informative). - this is blog's current url. Obviously, its not an original idea. It is quite clear it has been abducted from the apple names for their products (iTunes, iMac etc) 'x' is there 'cause .. errr well I couldn't register 'iscribbles' :P so yeah, that's about the url. I changed the url quite recently it was '' before. Reason - it looked kiddish/emo to me.
My blog's title is 'A world of Illusion'. I came up with this title almost 3years back. It has stayed almost the same since then. I changed it in between, then reverted back to the original. I like it that way. Reason for selection of this title is that when I started posting on my blog, I wrote this little poem 'Illusion'. Hence, it was a random title, but turns out to be a lil' deeper than that if I sit down and think about it. :)
Nice selection of URL. Your blog is indeed filled with your scribbllings. 'x' in the URL makes this URL look unique and this 'x' makes your URL not looking like a lift.
Well your x can be given a meaning since 'x' does have a meaning of Unknown, the same way rontgen used in naming X rays.
In programming terms whenever we think of a variable, we put 'x', so x is associated with variables, so your blog can be termed as scribbling the unknowns, or variable scribbling or random scribbling. So 'x' does have a meaning in ur URL.
If you ask me to chose whether URL or the title is matching your posting, then I will pick your URL. May be because the title was chosen based on your first post.
Hehe thanks :D
And wow description, really like it! Never thought of it that way you know :P hehe
I changed my blog title to 'iSribbles' once, but reverted back :]
hey yaa....
Title:- The Way It Is
2. The reason behind the selection of the blog name
Cause i always wanted write personal stuff....(It's a personal blog)...... so the URL is pretty handy and the title too
3. Did you get the blog name which you desired to have?
well by default it showed the one i'm using ......though i thought about it for like 2 mins...then stuck with it.
4. Have you ever changed the blog name and why?
No, never ever felt the need to.
5. Have you ever felt like it is not the right name for the blog? will be 3 years in March this year....hoping that feeling never gets induced in me......
URL selection for personal blogs seems to fairly simple job, since any combination of blogger's name is good enough.
Title needs to be a little bit more thought of, just like it is here.
So you are a very experienced blogger !!
To be frank, I didn't think much about my blog name. I just used parts of my first and last name to get
Like many others who have posted here , it is the title that was important to me. I love Nirvana and hence chose the title "It is better to burn out than to fade away". It symbolizes my attitude towards life.
A personal blog with a url containing your name and a title depicting your attitude. Well said buddy
Mine is
I started out as a movie reviewer in my older blog and then since a username was not available I called myself theanalyst. So when I created a new blog I didn't think too much about the url, It started out as a satirical work mainly and my blog is titled 'My experiments with the hyperbole' , which was used to describe my intial posting style which often used extravagant exaggerations.
The analyst at his best making extravagant statements. Good that you gave the meaning of hyperbole in the blog title itself. Your moview review also is good. But you seem to blog only rarely.
I used to have a blogger blog called Musings of my Mind but shifted to my own domain name under ' I was looking for a catchy and short name. It has definitely helped me to have my own domain and I suggest most of you to do that if you love your blog. It hardly costs anything and you can host it on blogger for free :)
Lazy Pineapple is a name for a game of poker and I like the name cause it sounded fun and I primarily write a humor blog.
Didn't knew that lazy pineapple is a game. Yes the name does gives a feeling of something funny inside and sure all the blogs have a tinch of humour. Yes who wouldn't like to have own domain, but is it true that it is so cheap?
1.Site :
2.*Points to link. Click it. 'Cuz we're awesome!*
3.We're called : The Oxymoronic Oxymorons.
4.We just decided something to do with Oxymorons sounds fun, and here we are.
yes oxymorons sounds fun, but oxymorons does have a meaning of contradictory statements, but oxymoron statements are missing in your blog. The user names of the 3 authors are quite inventive, especially the convolution one. oxymorons u rock !!
mine is
Tys is the nickname and i like my Jack Daniel on ice, hence the name. Luckily I got the name I wanted. Guess there arent many tys out there who likes their drinks on the rocks.
The name of my blog is Life and more such nonsense. It was Life and other such nonsense but one day I went on a destructive streak and deleted the whole content of 3 years. Boredom made me come again in the new avatar.
Thats my story
Interesting name, no one will realise the code behind the name, unless revealed. But you deleted the content of 3 years.. How could you do that?
subups : it was easy. I went to the edit content and deleted the whole thing. Building is fun only when you can topple it later on.
Yep buying a blog domain is dirt costed me just about Rs.400 per is more expensive so currently I am hosting it on Blogger.
My blog name comes from the word clishmaclaver dictionary meaning of which is gossip.
I have taken the liberty of its wider meaning being 'lot of talk' which I do..:) Then it could be on any subject! Surprisingly I didnt get the blog name with the original word so I tweaked it a bit and made it 'Klishmaklaver'...I'm happier with this one though! :)
So luckily I got more than what I desired..:D
I was trying to guess the reason behind the url klishmaklaver, but failed to do so. Hmm gossip is transformed to Klishmaklaver. Your blog indeed contains "lot of talk" in the form of facts, pictures, poetry et al.
First I chose to name my blog as Chronicles of my life (that still is the URL, which unfortunately will stick forever since cannot be changed now). Then I understood that my life is not such great that someone may be interested to chronicle it, except for me.
So within weeks I renamed it One More Day In Life (should be read as - just another similar, no adventure, nothing-has-change-a-bit day in my life). But people seldom seemed to understand the reason and I had to explain to them...imagine explaining a joke or punch you made. Horrible.
So I changed to ItyaAdi (which actually is a play with my name and that's not really Rahi). But there's one more reason behind the choice of name. If you go through my blog, you will see that I am talking about just any topic under the sun. So if you wanted to find a specific category for my posts, I am sorry you can't. So you call it as miscellaneous. And that's where Ityaadi comes in.
I think I should use this explanation on my blog as well. That ways people will not keep pestering me with reason behind the blog name.
Yes you should. you can include it as an "about" page.
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