Ranked 3rd best new Indian blog in Indibloggies..
AncientIndians.wordpress.com was ranked the 3rd best in the indibloggies new blog category. The prize went to the 'syndicate'. That means a 'my fans vote for you if your fans vote for me.." deal.
Someone nominated, a jury shortlisted and public voted.
This is the closest I have come so far to a blog award and the extra traffic was welcome.
Of course kind people have always been leaving sweet comments, but 128 people made the effort to vote. Yay!
I am not sure if indibloggies has anything to do with indiblogger..
Hi Satya,
CONGRATULATIONS! The accolades are definitely well-deserved! Your blogs are always a treasure home of knowledge, and I enjoy reading them! Keep up the good work as always!
Thanks Adarsh! I was beginning to think my network had forgotten me..
Your blog is a wonderful gem too..
Congratulations Satyask!
Thanks Neeraj!
No wonder why that blog got this award. It is a infomation repository on ancient India. Lot of more accolades to follow. Bookmarked your site for reference in future. Congratulations for the good work!!
Hi subodh, I ddnt actually "get" an award. I was third runner up. but I got some extra traffic and some comments..
And thanks subodh.. wonderful words...