Please review my new design

Anshul Tewari
Anshul Tewari
from Noida
14 years ago

Hi folks! I just got a new custom design for my blog

Please do let me know how you like it.


And also suggest any changes.


Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
14 years ago

Hey Nice blog .. but maybe there just too much information on the home page.A lot of the content can be grouped etc ... Wuite a nice initiative and I have added you to my network :)

Let me know what you think ..

from Coimbatore
14 years ago

Hi Anshul

The blog is great... with focus on the newer posts. The header is very creative. Looks great, with design justly complimenting the content.

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