Getting Indirank on my blog

from Sonepat
15 years ago

Hello everyone I copy-pasted the code to my blog's sidebar.But it shows this error. "Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly. XML error message: The reference to entity "c" must end with the ';' delimiter." where should i place the ';' ? Thanks in advance.

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abhishek khanna
abhishek khanna
from Delhi
15 years ago

check the code you copy pasted. you must have missed the code, or you would have placed the code between some running code. 


first let the previous code end fully and then post your code

abhishek khanna
abhishek khanna
from Delhi
15 years ago

or better, go to layout tab , add new widget, html /javascript, paste the code in that

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