Indian News Medias Please Re-think your Strategies

from Chennai
15 years ago

Please read Tamilians Voice from TamilNadu below:  

Over the last 24 hours over 300 civilians who were awaiting relief and medical assistance within the "Safety Zone" declared by the Government of Sri Lanka have been killed and several thousand injured by Sri Lanka Army multi-barrel artillery and mortar shelling by the Sri Lanka armed forces.

  Check out this Video link given below:

Sri Lanka Army (SLA) stepped up indiscriminate artillery barrage towards the heart of 'safety zone' since Thursday (29 Jan 2009) noon killing at least 44 civilians and causing injuries to 178, initial reports from Vanni said.


These are the kind of news you daily get from LTTE controlled area in SriLanka? Look at thoose tiny kids affected are they LTTE Cadres? Why Killing them? As a Human are we not responsible for these Kids who dont even know why they are killed? Why they are hit? What is Ethnic issue and why too??I really dont understand our Indian English News Media and also the local Tamil News TV Media including magazines are hiding (purposefully?) Killing of Innocent Civilians in the Safe zone Declared by SriLankan Army itself? Daily 30 to 100 People Killed including Kids below 10 years and lots of Infants ... Though I am not a proLTTE or Supporter of LTTE Activities for various reasons including the killing of Ex-Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The coverage given by our Indian News Media for Israel striking in Gaza was so much prioritized and reported on daily basis, For that case Palestenians' or Hamas are no way related to India.Here in Srilanka 4 Lakh Eelam Tamil people (A part of Tamil Nadu people who are still a Indians) Displaced Internally and Living in a horrible state and Daily Killed by Shelling of SL Army that too on a Safe Zone declared by SL Army itself.Four Lakh People Living without

  • Proper Food
  • Medication or Treatment for affected by shelling
  • Medical Facilities
  • Proper Health & Sanitary Aids
  • Proper Cloths
  • Education for Kids

Have a look at the above given Video to see the situation. No Media to report and take it to International Organisation to bring an end to this Ethnic clashes :(Shame on you Indian News Media! Dont you feel Tamilians of Tamil Nadu a part of India? If their views are not reflecting in your media, then what the Media is meant for ?? Dont you have a basic right as a News Media to take these situation to International Community??My Request to Indian Media Please try to cover the News from Eelam not without partiality or any biased views? I dont want you to support LTTE but Just think of hundreds of Kids affected Killed, Injured, made as Orphans and thousands common civilians killed and Injured including aged people in Vanni (LTTE Controlled Area) . Please do something for those people is my humble request! Will Media Listen to this ??!!A single Arushi Murder Case had so much projections in Indian Media, On 26/11 you people did cover two-year old child of Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg, who is made orphan and I feel those are needed, In the same way hundreds of kids are killed and thousands are orphaned in Vanni too, why you shut your Eyes out of that?India Medias Please Re-think your Strategies....


  Hope you people have larger view on this issue too ... Forgive me for any harsh words used here, None are of purposeful intention ... Its the core view of TamilNadu and Tamils here ... Hope you people Understand that!   Thanking You

Jayasankar.N,We The People Of India CommunityBlogs: (English) (Tamil)



Replies 1 to 9 of 9 Descending
Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

I agree with this - the Indian media has it's priorities all messed up. They're mose interested in viewership than relevance. Watching the news today is like watching a series of movie trailers.

kunal sachdeva
from New Delhi
15 years ago

quite rite Renie.....

They're just interested in viewership Than Relevance.....

What all they want is money from ads.....

from Bangalore
15 years ago

Jay ,


Very thought provoking and sensitive topic. You are right , like Renie says ; the media needs to clean up it's act and start responsible reporting . What they doing in the coverage of the Sri Lanka Conflict and also what they did in the Mumbai attacks was cheap sensationalism without thinking how they are affecting the people who are watching and whether they are reporting objectively or subjectively


from Chennai
15 years ago

Thanks a lot for your Comments Renie and Shakthidharan. Lets hope the best atleast from now... I did sent the same Post contents to editor of News channels and awaiting their stand on that.

from Surat
15 years ago

I definately aggre with you, i am sorry to say but indian news media is rely hopless, i dont have words to say about.


from Chennai
15 years ago

Thank you Indian Pandit and Sriharsha. Sriharsha your 100% right and Govt is not pressurizing the media but the Media Team is making it Biased and thats wat this posting is all about and We expect a changing their Attitude. Hope We will make it happen soon...

from New Delhi
15 years ago

Actually in the present sceneario Media is one of the most secure sector.Also recession also not able to affect it out.Hence what we are seeing nowdays is a new News channel within every few days. So as our T.V basket get flooded by these news channels(almost like Tsunami) , so the Trp's game is reaching out to its toughest level..And hence what we are getting to see is really irrelevant News flashing almost every next sec. on our T.V screens.

So just lets hope may soon, we have a way to stop this Unstoppable-Tsunami.

Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
15 years ago

Unfortunatly, sensational journalism has become the mainstay of our media.  It is integral to our mainstream media.  They seem to think that to generate public viewership to boost their ratings and sponsorship deals, all they have to do is state a dramatic, highly opinionated, unreasonable argument, and sell it as news.

That's the reason this particular 'news' sounded humorous to me. Seriously, would anyone believe that 'India's broadcasters have adopted sweeping guidelines covering reporting. ' Right! Wonder from when?

According to the Chairman of the Indian National Broadcasters Association, "Self-regulation by the broadcasters, based on these guidelines, will be sufficient."

Mr. Chairman, are you kidding us? Is this a PR stunt?


from Bangalore
15 years ago

I blogged about Sri Lanka Scene today at


But the point is , when will the world wake up ? How long will media control what we hear and see ? That is a terrifying prospect !!

The plight of Tamils in Sri Lanka is pitiable. But it is a complex issue.

The LTTE is an out and out terrorist organization will clear anti-India agenda, which came to the fore during the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi. The world would be a better place if the LTTE is destroyed.

Having said that the butchering of innocent people by LTTE and the SriLankan army is unfortunate. The LTTE is using the Tamil population as a human shield and the many of them are getting killed in the cross-fire between the two foes.

There is no chance now of the LTTE regaining its former self, so it will be better if it put an end to this mindless slaughter and surrendered.

The reason why Indian media is not covering the Lankan war is that there is a press blackout of the war and footage of the war is not easily available. India media work on a shoe-string budget and can't spare reporters for non-eyeball-catching news.

The footage of the Palestine-Israel war that are shown ad nauseum on our TV are most probably obtained free from other channels or obtained for a pittance.

But you are right, SriLanka is of critical strategic importance for us and not only TV channels but every one of us should be concerned about what is happening there.

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