Shame Shiv Sena, Shame! A Party Of Goons

Anshul Tewari
Anshul Tewari
from Noida
14 years ago

Enough is enough! Are we wearing bangles? A group of 20-25 Shiv Sena activists attacked journalists and damaged property at the offices of IBN7 and IBN Lokmat, the Hindi and Marathi news channels of the IBN Network, in north-east Mumbai’s Vikhroli on Friday. Now this is the limit. How many doctors, nurses, women, students have been attacked? And by whom? Shiv Sena.

This is not the first time Shiv Sena has done such a thing. Earlier, it has had the track record of attacking students, bringing down hospitals and demobilizing railways.

This is sheer terrorism from within where one cannot speak up. Anyone who tries to speak up is beaten in the most horrific manner possible. Sanjay Raut from the party said that any criticism against Bal Thackerey will not be tolerated. Does this mean that the media cannot criticize a political party?

Journalism is based on the concept of bringing forth the truth. If this is the result then why would someone bring out the reality. I myself, being a journalist, fear that tomorrow if I voice myself against a party breeding goons, I might have to face a life or death situation. My family could be at stake.

What is it with this sick politics? If I am a student from North India does that qualify me to get beaten up? If I can't speak Marathi, does that qualify me to get beaten up? People are intimidated and afraid. This is one party that has been practicing severe violence since the late 1970's when Shiv Sena was convicted of India's first ever political murder.

Is this a form of competitive politics, where first the MNS hits someone and then the Shiv Sena follows or vice versa. Why is the civil society helpless?

When will the people of Maharashtra, rather India, stand up against this violence. Is this the status of India 60+ years after independence. Is this even a democracy?

The law has been lenient, the judiciary has been lenient, the Government has been lenient, and this is why we are facing such a situation today. The party says that this is a spontaneous reaction. What kind of a spontaneous reaction is this? Or is it even a spontaneous reaction. Doesn't look like one to me.

Why does the Congress not take a strong stand? (It has never ever taken a stand against Shiv Sena or MNS)

Ashok Chavan has said fine words. But will they turn into action? “We had no idea that such a thing was going to happen. Whoever is responsible for this will be severely dealt with. Nobody has the right to assault journalists,” said the Chief Minister.

The police took its very own sweet time to come. The Shiv Sena has created an atmosphere of "Dadagiri Chalegi", and the Maharashtra Government is just not opposing it.

Today this matter has been highlighted, tomorrow it will be forgotten.

When will India be free from such cheap tactics? There needs to be unity amongst the people, amongst the media. The more things change, the more they remain the same. The story is developing by the minute.

Guys I would really appreciate if you could visit, my blog and please try and contribute in any way possible.


Thanks again. Please voice yourself on this issue.


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Siddhesh Kabe
Siddhesh Kabe
from London
14 years ago

Well, I really do not feel anything bad about this. Congress has never taken any strong stance against anything. 

IBM lokmat had clearly had it coming, when it comes to news and mass media, you can blame the party or the ideology, but when the media targets and individual and specially one as powerful as Bal Thackarey, they are bound to get some reaction to it.

The government will never oppose him with anything, because the government was crippled and that resulted in creating Shiv Sena.

It is because of the dada giri that has resulted in creating Maharashtra a better place, the dada giri can be seen, however have you noticed that the dada giri is done for the principles and not based on any corruption.

I know what they did is wrong, however it is not only they who are wrong. IBN was also wrong, imposing their views on Public. They also are breaking thousands of laws broadcasting wrong improper conduct in public, however it was because the government did not do anything about the misuse of freedom of press, the thing happened.

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