Thinking of buying a custom domain name through blogger, any suggestions?

Magali Vaz
Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

My current blog address is

(I had chosen that when my blog was named 'A Girl's Life'. Later I changed it to 'Life etc' (as it is right now)

Now I have no idea what my custom domain should be. How about That keeps a sort of branding as magali_c is my twitter id.

What do you think?

Comments/Suggestions & any ideas for a domain name would be highly appreciated! 


Replies 1 to 2 of 2 Descending
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

What about ChaalVaz? :-)

Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

hmm.. interesting. But you must tell me, where did you get 'chaal'?

from Hyderabad
14 years ago

You might have heard of Daag-The Fire. It's something similar. Chaal-The Walk. You need not get it from anywhere. It comes automatically when you move from one place to another In this case, it refers your movement from Blogger domain to your own domain Smile

Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Haha okay.

Lakshmi Rajan
Lakshmi Rajan
from Bangalore
14 years ago

is a nice name ! Luckily when I just checked it's still available ! So grab it before someone parks it on his backyard ! Laughing

Magali Vaz
from Mumbai
14 years ago

Thanks. But I don't plan on doing it too soon!

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