Nobody bothers

Akhil Khatri
Akhil Khatri
from Hyderabad
14 years ago

I have seen many Indians who always blame the Indian system be it political parties, transportation, society, or anything else. We really need some INDIANS to change this, but all that we think is this that nothing can be changed by a single INDIAN. I totally disagree with this. One person is enough to change the whole system because it is all like multiplication rule. One will change another and chain will go on like this. Think for a while about 100 INDIANS taking the responsibility together, 100 different chains, and great impact on others. I know it is very easy to write and hard to implement, but believe me friends I am trying it.

Atleast we can try or we have to die.

Edited 14 years ago
Reason: Subject changed
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Adarsh Rao
Adarsh Rao
from Minnesota
14 years ago

Hi Akhil,

Interesting thoughts.... It is only when each of us do our bit that we can facilitate change in our society. It may be something small, and more often may seem insignificant to us. But, everything does matter and goes a long way in improving the lives of the less fortunate.

As Gandhi said ' You must be the change you wish to be.'

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