Upanayana for girls
In my post on the subject, I had spoken strongly in favor of the thread ceremony for girls and also all students of all castes within Hinduism/Sanatana Dharma.
I have two daughters and am planning the elder one's Upanayana.
What is your opinion?
I once had this same conversation with my Grandfather, who has written a book called "Hindu Dharmadha Parichaya", he had strong opinions against it.
My personal opinion is that Upanayana should be done, and by Upanayana my meaning is that the child (girl or boy) should be told of the meaning of Gayathri mantra, the power of chanting it. The important thing is not the ceremony, but doing sandhyavandana everyday, or reciting the mantra everyday. Do we really need elaborate ceremonies with purohits. I think you can yourself give Gayatri mantra bhodanae to your kids.
Thanks for this article.Really All Indian People should read this article.
Happy Navaratri..