Writing failing as a medium?

The world today is not the best it can be, and it needs a collective effort from all of us. For all those who drain their views out on paper or here on blogs, lately it seems to affect no change. The problem world faces today the most is not poverty or something else but simply the human mentality, and writing at its best could have been used as a threat to the conventional norms. But with the onslaught of movies and a faster life, is writing failing as a medium? And with people tiliting towards entertainment reading, is serious stuff set for perishing?

Please suggest ideas on how the readership in the country can be increased, and for those who read, it transcends beyond the movie stars. Even media and bestsellers are not as effective in letting people think carefully. Elaborate on your answers please.

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from Hyderabad
15 years ago

//For all those who drain their views out on paper or here on blogs, lately it seems to affect no change.//

Thats not true. We are contributing in our little way. Because change is never overnight and even if it happens, we never notice it.


By the way the main reason behind this might be because, most of us write without keeping the longitivity in mind. I mean most of the articles are written for the day, for the moment and they are not even worth reading some months later.  I feel anything written should not perish with time. If so, then we can make the change i feel.

^ purely my opinion.

Amitabh Mukherjee
Amitabh Mukherjee
from Bangalore
15 years ago

It's called the power of one.

Try it - every one bit makes a difference.

I have been doing that, most of my articles are general. People like it, they praise it, say it had a point, but also add they don't want to change themselves because that's the way they are. Moreover, most critics of common men end up where one criticizes all other common men, without trying to peep into themselves. That was the cause of my worry.

Because I believe entirely in the power of the one, and that's why I keep writing.

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