I Cross 63000 Blogs in 19 Months at Flickr

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago

After uploading these 20 pictures  here at my Flickr photostream I cross 63000 Blogs in 19 months..My archives from June 2007 here at Flickr...2007*  June (1355)    * July (5558)    * August (2714)    * September (1773)    * October (1004)    * November (787)    * December (1133)2008    * January (2492)    * February (2464)    * March (3567)    * April (2804)    * May (2616)    * June (1075)    * July (1255)    * August (5955)    * September (5264)    * October (5014)    * November (2392)    * December (6552)2009    * January (6782)Views 294744

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Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago



I shoot mostly feats , cultural events , so my camera takes a lot of knocks ,I walk on fire so most of my camera elements get burnt out.., I shoot as I walk on fire ..this is known as Ag Ka Matam in Shia parlance..


I cut my head  during moharam, so blood seeps into the viewfinder ..


An now this year I intend driving a 18 feet road at the Thaipusam festival of Goddess Maryama...I am very clse to the Tamils..


Of course I need your help to shoot the Koovagam Eunuch festival at Koothandavar , this has eluded me for two years consecutively as I dont know anyone out there ..

south indian hijdas dont know me as much as the ones from delhi ajmer and mumbai.


The Eunuch festival is in March April I think


The G9 got stolen during the celebrations of 9 Moharam in Mumbai..in the crowd he pulled it out of my sling bag..



check this out me cutting my head with a sabre in mumbai on Ashura..


Take Care




Anwin is your brother I guess.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Thanks for the listing! Will let you know how much traffic we get from there. Smile I use the D50, not as great as the D80 but I certainly haven't done justice to my camera like you have! How did the Canon get stolen?

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi Renie


I am a wizened old man, I hold nothing against you , you have to do what you have to do,Flickr ,is where

all my blogs originate ,I began blogging in 2005 at Buzznet, webshots, fotothing, bloggerspot, my son had develpoed a photo gallery site for me, that is my earliest venture online..but I dont use it anymore it has no blog infrasructure ...

I started this in dec 2005




the blog stats will tell you my story  9 lac views till date ...


Flickr is a great site unlimited posting if you go for pro.. but from Flickr you can cross blog to Wordpress, Blogspot, Vox Live Journal etc.. also I post the same size that I have shot, my pictures cannot be downloaded from Flickr because I have placed a spaceball restriction..


I use Nikon D80 ..a very hardy tough camera it has fallen from my hand several times.


I also used Canon Powershot G9 that was stolen recently..


But more important than the camera is your eye I call it Shivas third lodged in the retina..


I have had the best of experence here at Indi Blogger ..I wish youall well ..anything I can do for you or your members just let me know.

We all learn from each other..


I have listed Indi Blogger at Alpha Inventions too..








Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey Firoze, I know this is a sore issue between you and I, cause I don't believe that flickr is a blog Smile. You mean 63000 pictures posted on Flickr? That's awesome! What camera do you use?

To elucidate my point of view - if we allow flick accounts on IndiBlogger - it becomes a moderation nightmare!

I'm happy to see your participation on this forum!

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