I Cross 63000 Blogs in 19 Months at Flickr

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago

After uploading these 20 pictures  here at my Flickr photostream I cross 63000 Blogs in 19 months..My archives from June 2007 here at Flickr...2007*  June (1355)    * July (5558)    * August (2714)    * September (1773)    * October (1004)    * November (787)    * December (1133)2008    * January (2492)    * February (2464)    * March (3567)    * April (2804)    * May (2616)    * June (1075)    * July (1255)    * August (5955)    * September (5264)    * October (5014)    * November (2392)    * December (6552)2009    * January (6782)Views 294744

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Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Hey Firoze, I know this is a sore issue between you and I, cause I don't believe that flickr is a blog Smile. You mean 63000 pictures posted on Flickr? That's awesome! What camera do you use?

To elucidate my point of view - if we allow flick accounts on IndiBlogger - it becomes a moderation nightmare!

I'm happy to see your participation on this forum!

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago

Hi Renie


I am a wizened old man, I hold nothing against you , you have to do what you have to do,Flickr ,is where

all my blogs originate ,I began blogging in 2005 at Buzznet, webshots, fotothing, bloggerspot, my son had develpoed a photo gallery site for me, that is my earliest venture online..but I dont use it anymore it has no blog infrasructure ...

I started this in dec 2005




the blog stats will tell you my story  9 lac views till date ...


Flickr is a great site unlimited posting if you go for pro.. but from Flickr you can cross blog to Wordpress, Blogspot, Vox Live Journal etc.. also I post the same size that I have shot, my pictures cannot be downloaded from Flickr because I have placed a spaceball restriction..


I use Nikon D80 ..a very hardy tough camera it has fallen from my hand several times.


I also used Canon Powershot G9 that was stolen recently..


But more important than the camera is your eye I call it Shivas third lodged in the retina..


I have had the best of experence here at Indi Blogger ..I wish youall well ..anything I can do for you or your members just let me know.

We all learn from each other..


I have listed Indi Blogger at Alpha Inventions too..








Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Thanks for the listing! Will let you know how much traffic we get from there. Smile I use the D50, not as great as the D80 but I certainly haven't done justice to my camera like you have! How did the Canon get stolen?

Firoze Shakir
Firoze Shakir
from Mumbai
15 years ago



I shoot mostly feats , cultural events , so my camera takes a lot of knocks ,I walk on fire so most of my camera elements get burnt out.., I shoot as I walk on fire ..this is known as Ag Ka Matam in Shia parlance..


I cut my head  during moharam, so blood seeps into the viewfinder ..


An now this year I intend driving a 18 feet road at the Thaipusam festival of Goddess Maryama...I am very clse to the Tamils..


Of course I need your help to shoot the Koovagam Eunuch festival at Koothandavar , this has eluded me for two years consecutively as I dont know anyone out there ..

south indian hijdas dont know me as much as the ones from delhi ajmer and mumbai.


The Eunuch festival is in March April I think


The G9 got stolen during the celebrations of 9 Moharam in Mumbai..in the crowd he pulled it out of my sling bag..



check this out me cutting my head with a sabre in mumbai on Ashura..


Take Care




Anwin is your brother I guess.

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