spooky?? really!!
(This is a real life incident (my own) that happened in front of me! I am trying to find an answer till date!)
My mother has always been a ardent follower of astrology, be it the street “Bud-Budke!” or the hyped “TV swamiji” Stars play a very important role! and the houses are always an impact!
“Shani is descending on your son!!!” The moment she hears that ‘very typical line’ she gets disquieted! Well I guess every ‘Mother does!”
It was that fateful day, I was still studying or atleast was trying to study for my engineering days! The study holidays played a very important role atleast to eat and sleep and ya study if time permits!, My mom just finished her morning session of local shopping to find me peeping into the television!
“You have to study hard and well!” she squalled! “The shani has hit your studies this time!” she explained, ya right! if only i had bought the text books earlier, the shani would have been more courteous on me! as i was forcefully pushed into the room my mom went inside to attend some work, moments later there was a sound outside, with someone chanting useless lines, without resisting the curiosity further i jumped out of room to find my mom chatting with an old lady who had smeared all her body with ash, carrying a small portable god with a huge handmade bag hung to her right shoulders! she had few cowrie shells in her hand that made her completely horrific!
visit http://wp.me/PgYTD-5g
to read more!
Same with me!
oh! sorry the link is http://wp.me/gYTD