Do women bloggers have more readers than Men?

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
16 years ago

I know I know.. a topic on the lighter side.. but I still wanna know ! LOL

21-40 41-59
Replies 1 to 20 of 59 Ascending
Anil Kant
Anil Kant
from Faridabad
15 years ago

मुझे ऐसा नहीं लगता यहाँ हिंदी ब्लॉग जगत  में  तो ये बिलकुल भी नहीं है अधिक पढने वाले उसे ही मिलते हैं जो अच्छा लिखता है और पोस्ट की विषय वस्तु क्या है, इस पर भी निर्भर करता है  

Neeraj Shinde
Neeraj Shinde
from Pune
15 years ago

I would rather prefer good, constructive topics to read than getting really bothered about the sex of the author. I would follow even a kid if I could get something to learn, enjoy and get entertained.

Satya S. K.
Satya S. K.
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Most of my blog  commentors are women and many of them are highly educated and knowledgeable and in some manner, experts themselves. Their comments definitely make me think and do more research.

There are a few men commenters too.

Young girls tend to get a lot of college friends etc following their blogs. But all women are not young girls.



Sandhya Iyer
Sandhya Iyer
from Chennai
15 years ago

Haha..! A very though provoking topic! I think the number of readers you get is on the basis of what you write and what people look for. If both these factors match, then the traffic increases. I don't think, there is a question if the blogger is a guy or a girl. From what I've observed, if your content is good, including writing style, the way you spin the words, makes a huge difference! :) You don't need a feminine alter-ego to increase traffic and reader subscriptions ! :D

Aneet D N
Aneet D N
from Houghton
15 years ago

Maybe all male bloggers need to cultivate an alter ego who writes their blogs.... a feminine alter ego.... :P

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

ok here goes.. So I read through all the replies here ( i mean not very thoroughly .. I'm a guy) and looks like most of the women think that content rules ( carefully not admitting that they have an obvious edge .. he he )while most of the guys here think content or not .. girls have an edge if they, of course follow the basic rules of blogging like regular posting etc..So should we just say boys will be boys, which means that they will contribute to the readership of a women's blog ( no harm done) While the women hate to admit that their pics or feminine charm seem to fetch them more readers :))) LOLHere are a few posts from some of my fav women bloggers, for which I think dont really have to have too many comments :)Lemonade ( post : Sunday, December 21, 2008And I thought, Hello, new shoes....bye bye blues..She put down the words of a song (not her's but a bands)..Hey I put some new shoes on, And suddenly everything is right,.. (you guys remember the shoe advert right?) .. well she got 22 comments and I think atleast 21 of those comments were guys LOL!She does not have any clickable links so i cant give the exact link.. but there are many instances on her blog (search on the blog).. check it out .. BTW I read her blog regularly ..I find it very interesting :)And if you think content matters .. All her posts are everyday affairs .. now its not about gadgets or technology or any other so called "important" topics but regular down to earth, everyday stuff like issue with her college etc etc .. so what content really matters?Another case is Anjuli ( really did not post regularly at the time ( one post per month .. MAX) and still managed 17 comments for a post called "LOL" with a couple of lines and of course all the commentators .. guys .. Now dont get me wrong .. her blog is on my bloglines :).. Am not trying to be hipocritical here there are so many other instances .. i believe in one of her posts she said she was sick .. talk about sympathy comments :) .. oh when it rains it pours LOLThese blogs might not help you ace your exams or your interviews or your knowledge .. but one way or the other it makes for a freaking good read .. soooo WHAT CONTENT REALLY MATTERS? :)

Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

sorry ppl.. dunno how the formatting went for a toss .. might be a bit hard to read :) .. so paste it in a notepad or something

from Vijayawada
15 years ago

I think this basically depends on how they write the post.  But according to me we can see women bloggers rearly concentrating on Technology blogs. But max amount of women concentrate on Fashion, accessories etc.. lolzzzz

Ashwin Baindur
Ashwin Baindur
from Pune
15 years ago

They should. They are more intelligent than men!

(Heh heh heh my wife you see, over my shoulder, peeking...)


Chicky Kadambari
from Jaipur
15 years ago

ha ha ha ha ha!

Sojo Varughese
Sojo Varughese
from Mangalore
15 years ago

Women Bloggers attract more readers? I would say women bloggers attract more 'commentors' than men bloggers!

Pushkaraj Apte
Pushkaraj Apte
from Pune
15 years ago

I am wondering how and where this whole discussion started. I did follow almost the whole thread just now, but still wondering?

Does anyone have actual credible data on this matter or is this just a fun topic doing the rounds? Credible data or not, Anoop Zombie has surely started all of us off on this topic!



Manish Kumar
Manish Kumar
from Ranchi
15 years ago

I have similar views as expressed by  Anwin Joselyn.

Poetry Blogs run by female bloggers always get more hit in comparision with their male counterpart even if the writing quality  is more or less same.

from Hyderabad
15 years ago

One word: Yes.

And most of those readers ARE MEN!


I said it. Tongue out

Santhosh P
Santhosh P
from Bangalore
15 years ago

They do. Reasons are

1. Most of the readers are men

2. Most of them are not gay (yet)

3. Women speak 3 times as much as men

4. Men got lesser number of subjects to talk about - Politics, Sports, Business and Automobiles where as women can talk about virtually anything, including such useless things as their husbands and boyfriends.

5. Since women talk about real-life things, they get more readers

6. Women have getter sense of humour(Challenge me! Try skidding in front of a crowd of men and women, all the men will try helping you get up while the only woman who will not giggle will be the Mayawati statue at the next junction)

7. Women's blogs are more attractive, leveraging all the 65000(or more) colours

8. Women utilize their time better (if the choice is between cricket and blogging , what will you choose?)

9. Ok, i'm too lazy to make it 10..bye

Vipul Grover
from Chandigarh
15 years ago

the funniest bt most apt analysis! cheersLaughing

Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
15 years ago

Ha ha ! by lucifer, that was funny!

from Mumbai
15 years ago

Well this generalization is really surprising, coz guy's don't wanna listen to women, but they are willing to read what they write Smile

Jokes apart, I think content is what really matters. It doesn't matter whether a male/female/alien wrote it...

Vipul Grover
from Chandigarh
15 years ago

i'll like 2 disagree.. wn its a women, cntnt really doesn't matter. by this i do not mean 2 say, thr r'nt gud women bloggers.. bt sadly, thr r gud men bloggers too who gt mch lesser traffic thn not-so-gud women bloggers!

Suman Bolar
Suman Bolar
from Bangalore
15 years ago

This is a fun discussion... but if we stick to provable fact, I do not think there is data to show the number of male vs female bloggers OR blog-readers. I think it depends on the nature and quality of the content as well as the desire and ability (no, ppl, I did NOT say desirability!) of the blogger to promote his/her blog effectively.

Ritu Lalit
Ritu Lalit
from Faridabad
15 years ago

LOL more to the power of women networking

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
15 years ago

Has anyone realized that the first 3 IndiBloggers of the Month are all women? Smile

Chicky Kadambari
from Jaipur
15 years ago

Ahhh! See! There you go...

Does that mean that men can't write? I don't think so!

Vipul Grover
from Chandigarh
15 years ago

thts gud nd ths badUndecided

from Perth
15 years ago

I did post an earlier reply in favour of the content. But I seem to have noted something which some of you might have, already.

The requests to review blogs - judging by the number of replies and reviews, I think the biggest numbers appeared to blogs with a female author. I saw over 40 or even 50 responses for our fellow indian ladies while men had to settle for a max under 20. 

I'm not arriving at any definite conclusion but I'm hoping some of you would look at those numbers again. 

...and I do have to admit, I need a review as well! :)

from Singapore
15 years ago

I think it's situational. I can't see myself reading a blog (regardless of the gender of the blogger) if the substance doesn't peak my interest.

I agree with what Ritu said, content is king (or queen *lol*). 


from Perth
15 years ago

It really depends on what topic it is.


say the blog is about street racing or cars and its been written by a girl, it might draw attention big time. 

like wise for a guy who writes about new recipes or about maintaining the lawn and garden.

It might seem a lil shallow but gender bias has influenced profession for as long as there have been human beings on earth. 


21-40 41-59
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